Open einarhjorleifsson opened 6 months ago
That's a good point. The code here is just a reworking of what was in the previous workflow script so that this...
# 2.3.3 Remove non-unique trip numbers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
eflalo <-
!duplicated(paste(eflalo$LE_ID, eflalo$LE_CDAT, sep="-")),
remrecsEflalo["duplicated",] <-
100 +
(nrow(eflalo) - as.numeric(remrecsEflalo["total", 1])) /
as.numeric(remrecsEflalo["total", 1]) * 100,
is replaced by this
# Apply the trip ID function to the eflalo data frame
trip_id <- create_trip_id(eflalo)
# Remove records with non-unique trip identifiers
eflalo <- eflalo[!duplicated(trip_id), ]
I think this is a hangover from very early days of the process, when FT_REF wasn't as unique an identifier as it is supposed to be.
I am a bit confused with create_trip_id. as currently defined in 0_global.R we have:
now these variables are associated with a "Log event" with the meaning:
i.e. these variables are not associated with trip identification. should we not be using the FTREF and some of the associated FT** date-time variables?
keep in mind that this eflalo format is a bit alien to me, so this may actually be a bug in my head.