ices-eg / WGDG

Working Group DATRAS Governance
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SpecVal status in the database #14

Closed vaishav closed 9 months ago

vaishav commented 1 year ago

Status of the Specval used in the DATRAS

vaishav commented 1 year ago

Table found :-

odontaster commented 1 year ago

WGDG agreed to review the SpecVal descriptions. To do so, we need to check data submitted with the different SpecVal and make sure with submitters that the change in the description still applies to their data.

odontaster commented 1 year ago


odontaster commented 1 year ago


Ingeborg1312 commented 1 year ago

I've added a sheet to where comments on the SpecVal descriptions can be provided, for final decision on WGDG 2023-01

odontaster commented 1 year ago

Follow comments from Heleen. Remove 3. 0 and 9 not to be used in DATRAS data products. Check with Spain how to better describe number 2, for which products. Ask feedback to survey groups and confirm in WGDG-2

odontaster commented 1 year ago


Ingeborg1312 commented 1 year ago

WGBEAM suggests that the following information is added to the DATRAS specval descriptions: o specval=5: use in DATRAS product: yes, it is recommended that a comment ‘presence-absence only’ is added; o specval=6; use in DATRAS product: yes, it is recommended that the weight is summed up per species per haul (length=-9, number=-9, weight=SUM(catcatchwght). NB this means an additional parameter in the CPUE product file; o specval=8; use in DATRAS product: yes, it is recommended that the weight is summed up per species per haul (length=-9, number=-9, weight=-9, volume=SUM(catcatchwght). NB this means an additional parameter in the CPUE product file; o specval=10; use in DATRAS product: yes.