ices-eg / WGJCDP-Cetaceans

Joint Cetaceans Data Portal (development)
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Querying cetaceans sightings in ESAS (Seabirds at Sea) #266

Open neil-ices-dk opened 2 years ago

neil-ices-dk commented 2 years ago

Initial discussion:

neil-ices-dk commented 2 years ago

this would be something that is realistic to move forward in 2023 as ESAS will not be finalised until late Autumn 2022

NikiClear commented 1 year ago

Pull in all cetacean species from ESAS.

cmspinto commented 1 year ago

Summary of Records in ESAS:

WormsAphiaID InfraOrder NoRecs SpeciesEnglishName SpeciesScientificName DataAccess
136980 Cetacea 96 patterned dolphin   Public
136980 Cetacea 877 unidentified dolphin   Public
136980 Cetacea 9 unpatterned dolphin   Public
137013 Cetacea 107 unidentified large Baleanoptera sp.   Public
2688 Cetacea 6 Sei / Minke / Bottlenosed Whale   Public
2688 Cetacea 73 unidentified large whale   Public
2688 Cetacea 3 unidentified large whale with distinct dorsal fin   Public
2688 Cetacea 38 unidentified medium whale   Public
2688 Cetacea 8 unidentified medium whale with large fin   Public
2688 Cetacea 140 unidentified small whale   Public
2688 Cetacea 95 unidentified whale   Public
2688 Cetacea 139 unidentified whale or dolphin   Public
137087 Cetacea 1369 Minke Whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata Public
137088 Cetacea 69 Sei Whale Balaenoptera borealis Public
137089 Cetacea 19 Bryde's Whale Balaenoptera edeni Public
137090 Cetacea 7 Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus Public
137091 Cetacea 224 Fin Whale Balaenoptera physalus Public
137115 Cetacea 3 Beluga Delphinapterus leucas Public
137094 Cetacea 2259 Common Dolphin Delphinus delphis Public
136980 Cetacea 1 Common / Striped Dolphin Delphinus delphis / Stenella coeruleoalba Public
220222 Cetacea 1 Northern Right Whale Eubalaena australis Public
137096 Cetacea 40 Short-finned Pilot Whale Globicephala macrorhynchus Public
137097 Cetacea 618 Long-finned Pilot Whale Globicephala melas Public
137017 Cetacea 19 unidentified pilot whale Globicephala sp. Public
136980 Cetacea 4 Pilot / False Killer Whale Globicephala sp. / Pseudorca sp. Public
137098 Cetacea 174 Risso's Dolphin Grampus griseus Public
343899 Cetacea 48 Northern Bottlenose Whale Hyperoodon ampullatus Public
137100 Cetacea 749 Atlantic White-sided Dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus Public
137101 Cetacea 2176 White-beaked Dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris Public
137020 Cetacea 101   Lagenorhynchus sp. Public
137092 Cetacea 13 Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae Public
137121 Cetacea 5 Sowerby's Beaked Whale Mesoplodon bidens Public
137122 Cetacea 3 Blainville's Beaked Whale Mesoplodon densirostris Public
137126 Cetacea 2 True's Beaked Whale Mesoplodon mirus Public
137034 Cetacea 35 unidentified beaked whale Mesoplodon sp. Public
137102 Cetacea 240 Killer Whale Orcinus orca Public
137117 Cetacea 12230 Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena Public
137119 Cetacea 218 Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus Public
137104 Cetacea 9 False Killer Whale Pseudorca crassidens Public
254970 Cetacea 1 Atlantic Hump-backed Dolphin Souza teuszii Public
137107 Cetacea 176 Striped Dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba Public
137108 Cetacea 209 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Stenella frontalis Public
137111 Cetacea 389 Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus Public
137127 Cetacea 5 Cuvier's Beaked Whale Ziphius cavirostris Public
2688 Cetacea 1 unidentified whale Restricted
136980 Cetacea 12 unidentified dolphin Restricted
137087 Cetacea 5 Minke Whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata Restricted
137094 Cetacea 3 Common Dolphin Delphinus delphis Restricted
343899 Cetacea 1 Northern Bottlenose Whale Hyperoodon ampullatus Restricted
137100 Cetacea 3 Atlantic White-sided Dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus Restricted
137101 Cetacea 73 White-beaked Dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris Restricted
137020 Cetacea 1   Lagenorhynchus sp. Restricted
137117 Cetacea 6822 Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena Restricted
137119 Cetacea 1 Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus Restricted
137111 Cetacea 10 Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus Restricted

We have to contact ESAS and think about how to link these two datasets.

cmspinto commented 1 year ago

@mehdiabbasi will add a layer to the map with the ESAS data. This also means that we will have to add some kind of legend.

NikkiTaylorJNCC commented 1 year ago

@cmspinto Assume this will happen in the new year after we have properly discussed plans with the ESAS WGJBIRD?

neil-ices-dk commented 1 year ago

@cmspinto Assume this will happen in the new year after we have properly discussed plans with the ESAS WGJBIRD?

i agree - we are not quite there yet (from a governance perspective); i would have thought it will be part of the Feb '23 meeting with the ESAS/Bird group so that they are onboard with this.

cmspinto commented 5 months ago

We have now an idea of what to do. Need to talk with @mehdiabbasi how will be the best way to implement it.

Map stays as it is: image

Hoover legend will be updated to include the ESAS observations: image

Proposal: Number of observations (JCDP): 3 Number of observations (ESAS): 2 Number of surveys (JCDP): 2 Number of surveys (ESAS): 1

Filter will also include a toggle button to enable or disable JCDP or ESAS datasets: image

The download summary will be changed to show the ESAS public data.

The download will include two zip files, one wiht the data form JCDP and another one with the cetaceans open data from ESAS.

cmspinto commented 5 months ago

We agree that the SP will return both:


The legend in case both (JCDP and ESAS) are on is based on the yellow.

NikiClear commented 5 months ago

Thanks Carlos. I think it does make sense to have species count return from both, and keep survey count separate. We just need to make sure this is explained somewhere on the map legend or webpage so users know what these numbers are.

cmspinto commented 4 months ago

Does it look fine like this before downloading the data:


Note: This is the original columns in the inventory of ESAS

cmspinto commented 4 months ago

This would be how the download looks:


mehdiabbasi commented 3 months ago

Hi All,

View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

NikkiTaylorJNCC commented 3 months ago

Does it look fine like this before downloading the data:


Note: This is the original columns in the inventory of ESAS

Hi @cmspinto could we add 'the' - there are * campaigns in THE** ESAS database. Thanks :)

NikkiTaylorJNCC commented 3 months ago

Hi All,

View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

mehdiabbasi commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

NikkiTaylorJNCC commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

mehdiabbasi commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

I fixed the download link, it should work now. please try it again?

mehdiabbasi commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

I fixed the download link, it should work now. please try it again?

I can see there is an issue in download page that not apply ESAS or JCDP filter, @cmspinto could you please apply filter on download page. ?selecteddataset=JCDP&selecteddataset=ESAS

NikkiTaylorJNCC commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

I fixed the download link, it should work now. please try it again?

I can see there is an issue in download page that not apply ESAS or JCDP filter, @cmspinto could you please apply filter on download page. ?selecteddataset=JCDP&selecteddataset=ESAS

I de-seleted JCDP and updated the map to only show ESAS - drew one polygon around Svalbard, no records to download; drew another around the UK and it returned JCDP surveys...


mehdiabbasi commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

I fixed the download link, it should work now. please try it again?

I can see there is an issue in download page that not apply ESAS or JCDP filter, @cmspinto could you please apply filter on download page. ?selecteddataset=JCDP&selecteddataset=ESAS

I de-seleted JCDP and updated the map to only show ESAS - drew one polygon around Svalbard, no records to download; drew another around the UK and it returned JCDP surveys...


I try to reproduce the map following your steps, it is working here unless I missed any steps. Which browser do you use, Could you please try press Ctrl + F5 and try again? image

NikkiTaylorJNCC commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

I fixed the download link, it should work now. please try it again?

I can see there is an issue in download page that not apply ESAS or JCDP filter, @cmspinto could you please apply filter on download page. ?selecteddataset=JCDP&selecteddataset=ESAS

I de-seleted JCDP and updated the map to only show ESAS - drew one polygon around Svalbard, no records to download; drew another around the UK and it returned JCDP surveys... image

I try to reproduce the map following your steps, it is working here unless I missed any steps. Which browser do you use, Could you please try press Ctrl + F5 and try again? image

I'm still having the same issue - tried Chrome and Edge, ctrl F5 - I deselect JCDP data, update the map, draw a polygon where I know there is only ESAS data - no data to download, I draw a polygon where there is JCDP data and it returns all the JCDP data in teh download but no sign of ESAS data...I'll see if Niki can have a play next week as well, see if she's having the same issue.

NikkiTaylorJNCC commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

I fixed the download link, it should work now. please try it again?

I can see there is an issue in download page that not apply ESAS or JCDP filter, @cmspinto could you please apply filter on download page. ?selecteddataset=JCDP&selecteddataset=ESAS

I de-seleted JCDP and updated the map to only show ESAS - drew one polygon around Svalbard, no records to download; drew another around the UK and it returned JCDP surveys... image

I try to reproduce the map following your steps, it is working here unless I missed any steps. Which browser do you use, Could you please try press Ctrl + F5 and try again? image

I'm still having the same issue - tried Chrome and Edge, ctrl F5 - I deselect JCDP data, update the map, draw a polygon where I know there is only ESAS data - no data to download, I draw a polygon where there is JCDP data and it returns all the JCDP data in teh download but no sign of ESAS data...I'll see if Niki can have a play next week as well, see if she's having the same issue.

Hi @mehdiabbasi the option to filter JCDP/ESAS data has now disappeared altogether from the beta link.

mehdiabbasi commented 3 months ago

Hi All, View on map beta version is ready for your review including option to select ESAS or JCDP

Looks great, thanks Mehdi! I can't select ESAS records via the polygon tool, is because this is in beta? Also wondering if there's a way to give a little more detail to users on JCDP V ESAS data - is it possible to add alt text when you hover over the select boxes and text for the two options, and add in a brief line that way? Otherwise maybe a short line of text at the top of left of the map view?

@NikkiTaylorJNCC What is wrong with ESAS and polygon? I can filter them with polygon image

When I try to download the selection from the polygon, it says 'no data in your selection for ESAS data...

I fixed the download link, it should work now. please try it again?

I can see there is an issue in download page that not apply ESAS or JCDP filter, @cmspinto could you please apply filter on download page. ?selecteddataset=JCDP&selecteddataset=ESAS

I de-seleted JCDP and updated the map to only show ESAS - drew one polygon around Svalbard, no records to download; drew another around the UK and it returned JCDP surveys... image

I try to reproduce the map following your steps, it is working here unless I missed any steps. Which browser do you use, Could you please try press Ctrl + F5 and try again? image

I'm still having the same issue - tried Chrome and Edge, ctrl F5 - I deselect JCDP data, update the map, draw a polygon where I know there is only ESAS data - no data to download, I draw a polygon where there is JCDP data and it returns all the JCDP data in teh download but no sign of ESAS data...I'll see if Niki can have a play next week as well, see if she's having the same issue.

Hi @mehdiabbasi the option to filter JCDP/ESAS data has now disappeared altogether from the beta link.

Hi @NikkiTaylorJNCC, sorry for that, It is fixed now. @cmspinto Could you please test the scenario that NikKi provided above, to see if you see also wrong map?