ices-eg / wg_WGACOUSTICGOV

Working Group on Acoustic Trawl Data Portal Governance
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Create check: Species Category Number = Subsample Number * Subsample Factor #61

Open HjalteParner opened 3 weeks ago

HjalteParner commented 3 weeks ago

If species category number, subsample number and subsample factor are reported, then species category number = susbample number * subsample factor should be the same.

HjalteParner commented 3 weeks ago

108 889 catch records where species category number, subsample number and subsample factor are reported.

30 463 catch records of above where ABS([SubsampledNumber] [SubsamplingFactor] - [SpeciesCategoryNumber]) > 1 i.e. SELECT [Cruise].[LocalID], [SpeciesCategoryNumber], [SubsampledNumber], [SubsamplingFactor], [SubsampledNumber][SubsamplingFactor] AS 'SpeciesCategoryNumberCalculated' FROM [Catch] INNER JOIN [Haul] ON [Catch].[HaulID] = [Haul].[ID] INNER JOIN [Cruise] ON [Haul].[CruiseID] = [Cruise].[ID] WHERE [SpeciesCategoryNumber] IS NOT NULL AND [SubsampledNumber] IS NOT NULL AND [SubsamplingFactor] IS NOT NULL AND ABS([SubsampledNumber] * [SubsamplingFactor] - [SpeciesCategoryNumber]) > 1

76 cruise records where ABS([SubsampledNumber] [SubsamplingFactor] - [SpeciesCategoryNumber]) > 1 i.e. SELECT DISTINCT [Cruise].[LocalID] FROM [Catch] INNER JOIN [Haul] ON [Catch].[HaulID] = [Haul].[ID] INNER JOIN [Cruise] ON [Haul].[CruiseID] = [Cruise].[ID] WHERE [SpeciesCategoryNumber] IS NOT NULL AND [SubsampledNumber] IS NOT NULL AND [SubsamplingFactor] IS NOT NULL AND ABS([SubsampledNumber] [SubsamplingFactor] - [SpeciesCategoryNumber]) > 1

Of the 30 463 catch records some are clearly have the wrong numbers while others also being wrong seems to be misunderstandings of the format.

Please see extract attached
