ices-taf / conjoin

Contaminants Joint Assessment for OSPAR, HELCOM and AMAP
MIT License
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I want to provide a transparent way of documenting QC steps undertaken in the pre-processing and assessment #16

Open neil-ices-dk opened 2 years ago

neil-ices-dk commented 2 years ago

counterpart to #15 to allow data providers and stakeholders to see why and where their data have been droppped from the assessment

There are two things that would really help here: • Adapting the current code to produce a report that shows the data providers where their data drops out of the assessment. Much of this already exists, but isn’t readily accessible, so data providers don’t look at it.

RobFryer commented 2 years ago

The other element of this is to document all the ad-hoc (QC) changes that are made to the data up front before the routine cleansing. This is currently available as an R Markdown document.