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CLlandingLocation for RegDis has not been documented #160

Closed rix133 closed 1 year ago

rix133 commented 1 year ago

So I have trouble finding the place in the documentation that specifies what should be the Harbour_LOCODE be if the CLcatchCategory is RegDis. Could this be specified in the CL table in the documentation?

e.g. CElandingCategory provide the code None for this purpose.

As I understand the field CLlandingLocation is mandatory and Harbour_LOCODE is taken from an external list that ICES does not maintain itself.

Actually the same question applies to CLlandingCountry with ISO_3166. I think the code to use there should be ZZ but its not in the code lists ISO-3166-2. But its in ISO-3166-1

HenrikK-N commented 1 year ago

In the case of RegDis the same Harbour_LOCODE, where the vessel did the landing, should be used. (The text will be added to CLlandingLocation) It is the same answer regarding CLlandingCountry, again use the country in which the landing took place. The follwing text will be added to CLlandingCountry: "In the case of RegDis the same country, where the vessel did the landing, should be used."