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Question: how to fill SAsampleWeightMeasured and SAtotalWeightMeasured #182

Closed rix133 closed 1 year ago

rix133 commented 1 year ago

I'm a bit confused how to fill these fields from the documentation so I'll try to explain my reasoning with an example. Suppose I have a Species list of 3 species (COD, RED, YEL). I have one haul sampled for all the species in the list (SSid=1) In the SA table I have 2 species present (the third was not in the basket ).

I understand that if the sample was taken after sorting the totalWeight should be the total weight of the catch of this species and the sampleWeight should be the amount sampled of this species. See below:

SAid SSid SAspeciesCodeFAO SAsampleWeightMeasured SAtotalWeightMeasured SAunitType SAselectionMethod
2 1 RED 17510 1081000 Basket SRSWOR
1 1 COD 109430 110000 Basket SRSWOR

Now if I the sample was taken before sorting the totalWeight should be the sum of total catch of all the species in the species list. and the sampleWeight should be the total weight of the sample (i.e. species pooled):

SAid SSid SAspeciesCodeFAO SAsampleWeightMeasured SAtotalWeightMeasured SAunitType SAselectionMethod
1 1 COD 126940 1196000 Basket SRSWOR
2 1 RED 126940 1196000 Basket SRSWOR

is this reasoning correct? Or is there something else expected? If this is correct it is a bit confusing that simply looking at the SA table gives an impression that there was equal amount of RED and COD sampled if sampled pre-sorting.

Also note that the totalWeight of first table does not equal the total weight of the second table (because there is 5 kg of something else (either not in the specieslist or in the species list but not in the sample) in the catch. Is this correct or the second example totalWeight should be sum of all species in the species list?

HenrikK-N commented 1 year ago

It is suggested to have a combined SA record with all species as a parent SA record with the totalweights, see the following. Followed by each known species and lastly the 5 kg of the unknown species. image The Animalia in the 1st line represent all species. In the 4th line we take it to represent the unknown species.

rix133 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your answer. However, in your example you answered for the situation where the 5 kg is in the sample but OutOfFrame I was rather interested in something else. My question was about a situation where there total catch is 1196000 g and the total sample is 126940 g (that is known to be COD and RED). i.e. Is the second table correct if we actually know the totalWeights from the catch and sample but we obtain this info after sampling?