ices-tools-dev / RDBES

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Mandatory status of CLtotalOfficialLandingsValue #46

Open edvinf opened 4 years ago

edvinf commented 4 years ago

The mandatory status of CLtotalOfficialLandingsValue pose some constraints on what can be reported of Norwegian landings. Prices are embargoed for 12 months, so actual prices can not be given timely. For the most harvested species we have prices statistics and reports of total landed value that can be used to estimate the landings values for the CL table, but this approach cannot be followed for all species. I think it is valuable to support reporting landings for all species, and we should check if this applies to more countries, and consider making this field optional, or designing some way to allow it to not be reported for less traded species.

This does not affect the test data call, as it should be fine to restrict landings to the test-stocks, but should be considered before next year.

This issue incorporates WKRDB-POP 2 upload log: Upload_Log-2020-RDBES-POP2_IMR_Norway_Tromso, row 4.

davidcurrie2001 commented 4 years ago

We will discuss after the test data call.

Kasia-MIR commented 4 years ago

Hi, for one of the species from the data call, we do not have prices and we cannot upload data.

HenrikK-N commented 4 years ago

For now it is suggest you make the best estimate you can no matter how good or bad it is and upload the data.

edvinf commented 3 years ago

The issue was discussed on WKRDB-POP3. The discussion revealed that most countries can provide values for most species, but several countries will have problems filling in the value field for all species. If future data-calls will also request all species, I think the data quality will be enhanced if it is made possible to omit this value. We could pursue other means to encourage the use of the field. For instance it could be made mandatory conditioned on volume landed, or the usage of the field can be described in guidance documents.

josefineegekvist commented 2 years ago

Discussed 11/01/2022 by RDBES CE CL subgroup. The field is still mandatory, but with a changed description. In some cases, there are still problems with estimating the landings value. A suggestion is to make it possible to add a dummy value and add a code to DataSourceLandingsValue // indicating that it is a dummy value.

solvae commented 2 years ago

Why is commercial value of landing needed? As far as I'm aware, the purpose of submitting catches to ICES is for them to be used in stock assessments, but for that purpose, the value of the catches is not relevant...

josefineegekvist commented 2 years ago

The value of landings is needed for EU countries if they want to upload data to the FDI datacall from the RDBES. In addition, ICES also have advice for trade-off between the fisheries impacts and economical value of fisheries. Sebastian Valanko from the ICES secretariat replies that: "From the end user perspective this type of information will become increasingly important to get right. EU DGENV might make the trade-off advice an annual recurrent advice that we can deliver to them, and that modularly/incrementally we can improve methods and spatial coverage of the assessment."

josefineegekvist commented 2 years ago

Discussed at CL CE meeting 03/03/2022. The group considered the different options: either make it optional and encourage countries to submit, or make it mandatory with the option to mark as unknown. This could either be by converting it to a character field and have the options NA (e.g. discards) and NK (unknown) or to keep it as a numeric field but with the option to upload -9 if it is unknown. By doing this, there is a risk that it is forgotten, and disturb results. The final recommendation was to convert it to a character field and have the NA and NK options.

HenrikK-N commented 2 years ago

The core group agreed to keep the field mandatory and make it a charater field with the codes: NotApplicable (e.g. discards) and Unknown. The RDBES have to updated accordingly.