> validateRDBESDataObject(myH1RawObject)
[1] "The following required columns are missing from table SS : SStimeTotal,SStimeSamp"
[1] "The following required columns are missing from table CL : CLdSoucstatRect,CLfishAreaCat,CLfreshWatNam,CLeconZone,CLtotNumFish,CLsciWeightErrMeaValTyp,CLsciWeightErrMeaValFirst,CLsciWeightErrMeaValSecond,CLvalErrMeaValTyp,CLvalErrMeaValFirst,CLvalErrMeaValSecond,CLnumFishInCatchErrMeaValTyp,CLnumFishInCatchErrMeaValFirst,CLnumFishInCatchErrMeaValSecond,CLcom"
[1] "The following required columns are missing from table CE : CEsoucStatRect,CEfishAreaCat,CEfreshWatNam,CEeconZone,CEgearDim,CEnumFAD,CEnumSupVes,CEfishDaysErrMeaValTyp,CEfishDaysErrMeaValFirst,CEfishDaysErrMeaValSecond,CEconfiFlag,CEencrypVesIds "
[1] "objectToCheck contains the following tables which don't contain all required fields: SS,CL,CE"
Appears to be an invalid dataset. Is there any reason not to delete it?
Its in the format from last year (as are all the "x_v_1_19" folders). The x_v1_18 test data is also almost certainly invalid. I think its fine to delete these.
Appears to be an invalid dataset. Is there any reason not to delete it?