JWGBird report (2016), section 5.1.5:
"The data providers in JWGBird would appreciate some immediate feedback from the database when they upload data. ICES are currently developing a summary record that data providers will receive immediately after submission and will enable them to check if all data were uploaded correctly. The summary record could include a list of species for each data type (i.e. non-breeding abundance, breeding abundance, breeding success), time-span of dataseries, number of sites, etc. Furthermore, it may be useful to compare the latest update with the summary records from the previous updates. "
JWGBird report (2016), section 5.1.5: "The data providers in JWGBird would appreciate some immediate feedback from the database when they upload data. ICES are currently developing a summary record that data providers will receive immediately after submission and will enable them to check if all data were uploaded correctly. The summary record could include a list of species for each data type (i.e. non-breeding abundance, breeding abundance, breeding success), time-span of dataseries, number of sites, etc. Furthermore, it may be useful to compare the latest update with the summary records from the previous updates. "