ices-tools-prod / icesSAG

R interface to Stock Assessment Graphs database web services
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Overflow in the Rouding function #161

Closed cmspinto closed 6 years ago

cmspinto commented 6 years ago

Table was not showing (email from David)

Hi Carlos,

This stock won't show the summary table for some reason. I've tried playing around with the settings but can't get it to appear...

Any ideas?

Cheers, David

It was due to the output of the function:

ALTER function [dbo].[getRoundedValue0C] ( @value float )

returns int

begin return round(@value, 0) end

cmspinto commented 6 years ago

It was corrected changing the output to a bigint:

ALTER function [dbo].[getRoundedValue0C] ( @value float )

returns bigint

begin return round(@value, 0) end