icescrum / iceScrum

iceScrum is a web application for using Scrum while keeping the spirit of a collaborative workspace. It also offers virtual boards with post-its for sprint backlog, product backlog and others.
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Incorrect Port After Login and Logout #40

Open 0FiRE0 opened 4 years ago

0FiRE0 commented 4 years ago

When using custom ports (e.g. 5200, 6000, 10000 ...etc.). The application works fine for all URL directions except during the following actions:

Then, the application redirect the user to a URL without keeping the custom port, and by default it will go to the default port (443 in HTTPS, and 80 in HTTP). And the user will need to re-enter the port number again and refresh the page in order for them to access the system.

The issue was experienced in the Dockerized image with Nginx proxy server, I did not try it on the direct JAR installation.

Versions where the issue was experienced 7.45 and 7.46. I did not try it on different versions.

vbarrier commented 4 years ago

You need to configure the nginx proxy properly like shown here: (take a look at proxy_set_header lines)

0FiRE0 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback, but Nginx Proxy Configuration is already been set as per the documentation, below are snapshots of the current configurations (Using upstreams in Nginx for multi-node setup) but currently only using one node.

I have even added the proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; for the HTTPS support.

I would like to highlight that it is working fine all through the application, except for only the Login and Logout are redirecting to different ports. Also discovered the same behavior when doing the following:

  1. After disabling "Registering User" from the Configuration
  2. In the "Login" page, if the pressed on "Register" and the error page appeared for him
  3. If he pressed on "Go Home" button, it will also redirect him to the different ports.

Nginx Config:

  1. Upstream image

  2. Proxy image

0FiRE0 commented 4 years ago

I discovered that it is related to the ending of the link. If the link was like it will do the incorrect behavior of redirecting to port 443 instead of the intended port (in my case 11002), unlike when the link has the forward slash / at the end like where it will behave correctly.

The default application redirection was without the / at the end, for that reason it was not behaving correctly.

Although the config.groovy file was updated to include the / at the end, but still the application is redirecting to the URL without the /, so the problem still exists in Login, Logout and Go Home button in the "Registration Page".

vbarrier commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this detailed feedback. We will take a look ASAP based on your report

vbarrier commented 4 years ago
0FiRE0 commented 4 years ago

HTTPS Port (I am using different ports): External Port 11002, but Docker is configured to do mapping to Nginx internal Port 443.

Although the following is not related, but just to be in the safe zone to eliminate any doubts if the issue was caused by Nginx. During my experimentation, I made both ports the same for external and Nginx to be 11002. So that Nginx is not listening to any ports other than 11002. But still did not resolve the issue.

Root URL: I am using /icescrum In config.groovy file: Tried once with /: icescrum.serverURL=" Tried once without /: icescrum.serverURL="

In docker-compose.yml file: environment: ICESCRUM_HTTPS_PROXY: "true" ICESCRUM_CONTEXT: "icescrum"

Also tried also putting: ICESCRUM_CONTEXT: "icescrum/"

0FiRE0 commented 4 years ago

I am wondering if this somehow could be related to the internal Apache Tomcat that is shipped with icescrum.

As I did not change any of its configurations yet.

noullet commented 4 years ago


Thank you for all these insights. Sorry for the late reply, we have to prioritize customer support over community support, but we did not forget about you!

We managed to reproduce your issue, here are some observations:

Thus, it seems that NGINX does the wrong thing when rewriting the Location header of a relative URL with a SSL configuration using a port other than 443. Is it a bug or a misconfiguration, we do not know. If you have the resources to further dig on the NGINX part, we would be glad to know what you find!

Anyway, there are several workaround:

noullet commented 4 years ago


After further investigations, it is Tomcat that is acting weirdly, as you suspected in the first place! Thus, I corrected my previous answer.

To solve that, we can add a new configuration parameter to docker (and the .jar) to specify the external port when using a https connexion.