icewolfz / jiMUD

MUD client for using electron
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Interface: Advanced MDI #207

Open icewolfz opened 1 year ago

icewolfz commented 1 year ago

Expand the MDI interface to include side by side docking, and more, maybe even try and aim to replicate the visual studio docking system or vscode tabbed/docking system, there are several javascript docking libraries out there, could also try using one of those as a base and using browser views and drag/drop systems i created to add window support

icewolfz commented 1 year ago

Expand dockable window types to all windows not just client types, thus allowing all child windows to dock or undock as wanted, maybe offer 2 types of docking like visual studio offers a document and a toolwindow that change how the tab/close buttons are styled

icewolfz commented 1 year ago