icewolfz / jiMUD

MUD client for using electron
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Profile manager: Add search/filter system #246

Closed icewolfz closed 5 months ago

icewolfz commented 5 months ago

Add a system to search for an item based on the field or use a filter display for the left tree to only display matching items either way probably need to limit to just name/pattern, or maybe a simple search/filter and an advanced version that lets you pick field to search

icewolfz commented 5 months ago

a simple version basically would be what is now used by the help system, so just stealing that code as a base and modifying it would save time

icewolfz commented 5 months ago

using src/common/search,ts as a base is a good start, only just need to recode how the system searches, as instead of text it would search the profile/item fields, and maybe expand it to support advanced flags like what fields to search instead of simple, which should not be hard, just more complex as would have to loop each profile and all types in profile and check each item, it is slower then a text search if lots of profiles/items to search which is the only downside compared to a text search

icewolfz commented 5 months ago

May revisit this and add an advanced search to limit by type/enabled profiles/items and other filters in the future