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post/running-go-application-on-bare-metal/ #3

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Running Go Application on Bare Metal - icexin的站点

In the process of writing eggos, I found that removing the hardware initialization code, the main program is actually an ordinary Go program. Like other Go programs, the main function is used as the entry point, but it never returns. Can other ordinary programs also run on bare metal? The answer is yes. I extracted the kernel code of eggos as a separate Go library. Other applications can run on bare metal like eggos by writing import _ "github.

justledbetter commented 2 years ago

This is amazing to see, and exactly what I was looking for (I've previously been using OSv to run Go programs on hypervisors, which is complicated to maintain). Being able to strip everything down to a single language stack really seems like it will simplify things over time!

Look forward to seeing how much further this project goes - Absolutely incredible work so far!!