iceye-ltd / icecube

Create time-series datacubes for supervised machine learning with ICEYE SAR images.
MIT License
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'RPC' does not exist #11

Closed shaystrong closed 2 years ago

shaystrong commented 2 years ago

Trying to read an SLC .h5 downloaded from ICEYE archive (id 10499) and get 'RPC does not exist':

cube_config = CubeConfig()
slc_datacube =, '/Users/sstrong/bin/test_data_icecube/slcs')

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/7r/fyfh8zx51ls6yt8t_jppnz3c0000gq/T/ipykernel_11546/ in <module>
      1 cube_config = CubeConfig()
----> 2 slc_datacube =, '/Users/sstrong/bin/test_data_icecube/slcs')

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/bin/sar_cube/ in build(cls, cube_config, raster_dir)
     52     def build(cls, cube_config: CubeConfig, raster_dir: str) -> SARDatacube:
     53         slc_datacube = SLCDatacube(cube_config, RASTER_DTYPE)
---> 54         ds = slc_datacube.create(cls.PRODUCT_TYPE, raster_dir)
     55         slc_datacube.xrdataset = ds
     56         return slc_datacube

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/utils/ in time_it(*args, **kwargs)
    111     def time_it(*args, **kwargs):
    112         time_started = time.time()
--> 113         return_value = func(*args, **kwargs)
    114         time_elapsed = time.time()

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/bin/sar_cube/ in create(self, product_type, raster_dir)
     43         """
     44         metadata_object = SARDatacubeMetadata(self.cube_config)
---> 45         metadata_object = metadata_object.compute_metdatadf_from_folder(
     46             raster_dir, product_type
     47         )

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/bin/sar_cube/ in compute_metdatadf_from_folder(self, raster_dir, product_type)
    116         )
--> 118         self.metadata_df = self._crawl_metadata(raster_dir, product_type)
    119         logger.debug(f"length metadata from the directory {len(self.metadata_df)}")

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/bin/sar_cube/ in _crawl_metadata(self, raster_dir, product_type)
     69     def _crawl_metadata(self, raster_dir, product_type):
---> 70         return metadata_crawler(
     71             raster_dir,
     72             product_type,

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/utils/ in metadata_crawler(raster_dir, product_type, variables, recursive)
     36     _, raster_paths = DirUtils.get_dir_files(raster_dir, fext=fext)
---> 38     return metadata_crawler_list(raster_paths, variables)

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/utils/ in metadata_crawler_list(raster_paths, variables)
     44     for indx, raster_path in enumerate(raster_paths):
---> 45         metadata = IO.load_ICEYE_metadata(raster_path)
     46         parsed_metadata = _parse_data_row(metadata, variables)
     47         parsed_metadata["product_fpath"] = raster_path

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/utils/ in load_ICEYE_metadata(path)
    432         are converted from bytedata and read into the dict for compatability reasons.
    433         """
--> 434         return read_SLC_metadata(h5py.File(path, "r"))
    436     elif path.endswith(".tif") or path.endswith(".tiff"):

~/Documents/github/icecube/icecube/utils/ in read_SLC_metadata(h5_io)
    330     # RPCs are nested under "RPC/" in the h5 thus need to be parsed in a specific manner
--> 331     RPC_source = h5_io["RPC"]
    332     meta_dict["RPC"] = parse_slc_rpc_to_meta_dict(
    333         RPC_source=RPC_source, meta_dict=meta_dict

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/icecube_env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h5py/_hl/ in __getitem__(self, name)
    303                 raise ValueError("Invalid HDF5 object reference")
    304         elif isinstance(name, (bytes, str)):
--> 305             oid =, self._e(name), lapl=self._lapl)
    306         else:
    307             raise TypeError("Accessing a group is done with bytes or str, "

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

h5py/h5o.pyx in

KeyError: "Unable to open object (object 'RPC' doesn't exist)"
shaystrong commented 2 years ago

Works with other SLCs -- must be a metadata version problem. Is there are way to handle this more gracefully?

muaali commented 2 years ago

yeah, some of the older IDs, not processed with the latest version, could have RPC information missing. I think it makes sense to set RPC as None if it's missing from the metadata.

muaali commented 2 years ago

should be fixed after