Set up the Exposure, Comorbidity and Family History cards with the data tables. These files are optional, so only show the card if the donor has had a file submitted.
Clinical files: exposure.tsv, comorbidity.tsv, family_history.tsv
[ ] 2. Age At Comorbidity Diagnosis - add unit "years" if there's a value
[ ] 3. comorbidity_treatment - this could be more text than usual, can we wrap the text in the cell?
Family History
This table can have more than one row.
[ ] 4. Family History: age_of_relative_at_diagnosis - add unit "years" if there's a value
[ ] 5. cancer_type_code_of_relative - FYI: this will be a future feature request: we can convert the ICD-10 code (in cancer_type_code_of_relative) to an actual string for human readability. For now just display the cancer_type_code_of_relative value. API ticket:
[ ] 6. relative_survival_time - add unit "days" if there's a value
Set up the Exposure, Comorbidity and Family History cards with the data tables. These files are optional, so only show the card if the donor has had a file submitted. Clinical files: exposure.tsv, comorbidity.tsv, family_history.tsv
Zeplin: Cards are hidden if the donor doesn't have data for these types:
Data Details
This table can have more than one row.
Family History
This table can have more than one row.