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Core completion rule changes to accept unpaired Targeted-Seq data #1063

Open lindaxiang opened 7 months ago

lindaxiang commented 7 months ago

This is a follow up ticket related to item 2 of the investigation ticket: https://github.com/icgc-argo/workflow-roadmap/issues/329


  1. There were over 1,100 donors reported as having targeted sequencing available across 5 programs (including PONTE, HK BM, MONSTAR and Precision Panc). Most of them are tumour-only cases.
  2. Policy has changed to accept unpaired Targeted-Seq: "Paired samples of tumour and normal are expected for analysis types 1 and 2, however un-paired (tumour only) samples are accepted with targeted sequencing data sets."
  3. One of the rules for core completion is A donor must have at least one tumour and one normal DNA specimen submitted, which needs to be changed.

Specs are needed for rule changes and implementation.