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Migrate from Dockerhub to Github Packages Container Registry #603

Open akachru-github opened 3 years ago

akachru-github commented 3 years ago

As of November 2nd, we will be subject to Dockerhub's rate limiting (https://www.docker.com/pricing/resource-consumption-updates). Specifically, the rate limits are 100 pulls for anonymous users and 200 pulls for authenticated users. Anonymous users are tracked by IP.

To mitigate the effect this has on our development and deployment process, we will be migrating all packages for ARGO Platform and RDPC from Dockerhub to Github Packages.

Github Packages is free for public packages and has proven to be accessible without authentication without issue after testing: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/setting-up-and-managing-billing-and-payments-on-github/about-billing-for-github-packages

This epic will track the transition from Dockerhub to Github Packages for each repository within ARGO.

Service Migration

For Overture packages, let's continue to PUBLISH to Dockerhub to allow any folks

For each service:

Documentation Updates

As we move to Github Packages, we will need to update our documentation so the community knows where to find our images, as they will not longer be published to Dockerhub. The following documentation will need to be updated:

akachru-github commented 3 years ago

Went through the ICGC-ARGO dockerhub registry (https://hub.docker.com/u/icgcargo) and created tickets for all the repos I could match in the zenhub board. Here are the ones that are in the dockerhub org but I could not create a ticket for as the repo was not available in Zenhub. Suggestion is to simply create the migration tickets under roadmap so we do not have to add many more repos to this board:

ICGCARGO DOCKERHUB: ~argo-gateway~ ~icgcargo/rdpc-kube-mutating-webhook~ ~workflow graph registry~

~backup-etcd~ ~backup-psql~ ~backup-mongo~ ~backup-infra~ ~kube-infra~ ~consule-backup~ ~mongo-backup~

~wes-argo-api~ ~boot-admin~ ~springboot-admin~ ~workflow traffic~ ~daco2ego~ ~rdpc-status~ ~graalvm~

OVERTURE DOCKERHUB: ~roll-call~ ~arranger-server~ ~song-server~ ~dms-version-helper~ ~arranger-test~ ~song-client~ ~score-server~

~song-postgres-backup-s3~ ~postgres-s3-backup~

~openjdk~ ~demo-arranger-ui~ ~arranger-storybook~ ~arranger-admin-ui~ ~enrolment~ ~enrolment-ui~ ~riff~