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Target-Seq pipeline Dev - XML to VCF in nf-core framework #425

Closed edsu7 closed 3 months ago

edsu7 commented 9 months ago

Based on Gaungqiao's findings in ticket MONSTAR's XML to VCF looks convertible.

A pipeline will be needed to trackable and perform uniform conversion of MONSTAR's XMLs

guanqiaofeng commented 9 months ago

Develop a nextflow pipeline using nf-core sample for the following steps:

  1. xml file convert to raw vcf file (only contain the genomic information, ignore annotation) a. extract all information from xml file b. discuss with @edsu7 and @lindaxiang to confirmed the fields used for the conversion
  2. vcf file (ref hg19) uplift to vcf file (ref hg38)
  3. generate annotated vcf file based on hg38
  4. upload the annotated vcf file to song/score
guanqiaofeng commented 9 months ago

Python code to convert the xml to vcf: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pb7lnI1txPF8K2M1ntrBNIhJzV_hdrxy

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd

def extract_data_from_short_variant(short_variant):
    return {
        # Extract useful information from the xml file
        'AF': short_variant.get('allele-fraction'),
        'ALT': short_variant.get('alternate-sequence'),
        '#CHROM': short_variant.get('chromosome'),
        'DP': short_variant.get('depth'),
        'POS': short_variant.get('genomic-start'),
        'REF': short_variant.get('reference-sequence'),

# Process dataframe by adding "ID", "QUAL", "FILTER" with default value "." and "INFO" with "DP=#;AF=#" 
# where DP means depth and AF means allele frequency 
def process_dataframe(df):

    df['ID'] = '.' 
    df['QUAL'] = '.' 
    df['FILTER'] = '.' 
    df['INFO'] = 'DP=' + df['DP'].astype(str) + ';AF=' + df['AF'].astype(str)
    df.drop(['DP', 'AF'], axis=1, inplace=True) 
    desired_order = ['#CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO'] 
    df = df[desired_order] 
    return df

tree = ET.parse('../example.xml')
root = tree.getroot()

# Extract information from xml
data = []

for short_variant in root.findall('.//short-variant'):
    short_variant_data = extract_data_from_short_variant(short_variant)

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Process the DataFrame
df_processed = process_dataframe(df)

# Output into vcf file
df_processed.to_csv('shortvariant.vcf', sep='\t', index=False)

VCF file for short variant:

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 4.43.17 PM.png
guanqiaofeng commented 9 months ago

Updated pipeline for the complete short variant vcf file:

Step 1. $ python3 short_variant_to_vcf_update.py

Extract short variant info from the xml file Output order sorted based on "CHROM" and "POS" short_variant_to_vcf_update.py:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd

def extract_data_from_short_variant(short_variant):
    return {
        # Extract useful information from the xml file
        'AF': short_variant.get('allele-fraction'),
        'ALT': short_variant.get('alternate-sequence'),
        '#CHROM': short_variant.get('chromosome'),
        'DP': short_variant.get('depth'),
        'POS': short_variant.get('genomic-start'),
        'REF': short_variant.get('reference-sequence'),

def chr_pos_sort(df):
    # Define a custom sort order for chromosome numbers
    chrom_order = {'chr' + str(i): i for i in range(1, 23)}
    chrom_order['chrX'] = 23
    chrom_order['chrY'] = 24

    # Apply the custom sort order
    df['#CHROM'] = df['#CHROM'].map(chrom_order)
    df['POS'] = df['POS'].astype(int)

    # Sort the DataFrame first by '#CHROM' and then by 'POS'
    sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=['#CHROM', 'POS'])

    # Convert the chromosome numbers back to their original format
    sorted_df['#CHROM'] = 'chr' + sorted_df['#CHROM'].astype(str)

    return sorted_df

# Process dataframe by adding "ID", "QUAL", "FILTER" with default value "." and "INFO" with "DP=#;AF=#" 
# where DP means depth and AF means allele frequency 
def process_dataframe(df):

    df['ID'] = '.' 
    df['QUAL'] = '.' 
    df['FILTER'] = '.' 
    df['INFO'] = 'DP=' + df['DP'].astype(str) + ';AF=' + df['AF'].astype(str)
    df.drop(['DP', 'AF'], axis=1, inplace=True) 
    desired_order = ['#CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', 'FILTER', 'INFO'] 
    df = df[desired_order] 
    sorted_df = chr_pos_sort(df.copy())

    return sorted_df

tree = ET.parse('../example.xml')
root = tree.getroot()

# Extract information from xml
data = []

for short_variant in root.findall('.//short-variant'):
    short_variant_data = extract_data_from_short_variant(short_variant)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Process the DataFrame
df_processed = process_dataframe(df)

# Output into vcf file
df_processed.to_csv('shortvariant.vcf', sep='\t', index=False)


Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 3.00.30 PM.png

Step 2. $ bash bash_script.sh


# extract header information from xml file
grep -E "\<variant-report|\<sample" example.xml | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep "=" | sed 's/"[^"]*$/"/g' | sed 's/^/##/g' > header_2.vcf

# Complete header information & merge with shortvariant info
cat header_1.vcf header_2.vcf header_3.vcf shortvariant.vcf > shortvariant_complete.vcf






##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">

Final Complete VCF


Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 3.04.16 PM.png
guanqiaofeng commented 8 months ago

Update pipleline for complete rearrangement vcf file:

1. $ python3 rearrangement_to_vcf_update.py


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
from pyfaidx import Fasta

def custom_sort_key(item):
    parts = item.split(':')
        chr_num = int(parts[0].replace('chr', ''))
        coord = int(parts[1])
        return (chr_num, coord)
    except (ValueError, IndexError):
        return item

# extract ref nucletide
def extract_nucleotide(fasta_file, pos):
    fasta = Fasta(fasta_file)
    sequence = fasta[pos.split(':')[0]][int(pos.split(':')[1])-1].seq
    return sequence

# create alt
def alternative(pos1, pos2):
    dir1 = dir[pos1]
    dir2 = dir[pos2]
    ref_nt = ref[pos1]
    if dir1 == '+':
        if dir2 == '+':
            return ref_nt + ']' + pos2 + ']'
        elif dir2 == '-':
            return ref_nt + '[' + pos2 + '['
    elif dir1 == '-':
        if dir2 == '+':
            return ']' + pos2 + ']' + ref_nt
        elif dir2 == '-':
            return '[' + pos2 + '[' + ref_nt
    return None    

# Sort the final output with chr and pos
def chr_pos_sort(df):
    # Define a custom sort order for chromosome numbers
    chrom_order = {'chr' + str(i): i for i in range(1, 23)}
    chrom_order['chrX'] = 23
    chrom_order['chrY'] = 24

    # Apply the custom sort order
    df['#CHROM'] = df['#CHROM'].map(chrom_order)
    df['POS'] = df['POS'].astype(int)

    # Sort the DataFrame first by '#CHROM' and then by 'POS'
    sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=['#CHROM', 'POS'])

    # Convert the chromosome numbers back to their original format
    sorted_df['#CHROM'] = 'chr' + sorted_df['#CHROM'].astype(str)

    return sorted_df

# Parse the XML file
tree = ET.parse('example.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
fasta_file = 'hg19.fa'

data = [] # Create a list to store the extracted data
ref = {} # contian reference nt
dir = {} # contian direction info
junc = [] # contain junction

# Iterate over each "short-variant"
for rearrangement in root.findall('.//rearrangement'):
    # Extract data from "short-variant"
    rearrangement_data = {
        'AF': rearrangement.get('allele-fraction'),
        'Pos1': rearrangement.get('pos1'),
        'Pos2': rearrangement.get('pos2'),
        'DP': rearrangement.get('supporting-read-pairs'),
        'type': rearrangement.get('type'),
        'genomic-type': rearrangement.find('.//chimeric-junctions').get('genomic-type'),
        'description': rearrangement.find('.//chimeric-junction').get('description'),

    ref[rearrangement.get('pos1')] = extract_nucleotide(fasta_file, rearrangement.get('pos1'))
    ref[rearrangement.get('pos2')] = extract_nucleotide(fasta_file, rearrangement.get('pos2'))
    print(rearrangement.get('pos1'), ref[rearrangement.get('pos1')])
    # Check if there are any "short-variant-intragenic-annotation" elements

    partner_breakpoints = rearrangement.findall('.//partner-breakpoint')
    for partner_breakpoint in partner_breakpoints:
        dir[partner_breakpoint.get('chromosome') + ":" + partner_breakpoint.get('annotation-position')] = partner_breakpoint.get('genomic-disruption-direction')
    #    print(partner_breakpoint.get('chromosome') + ":" + partner_breakpoint.get('annotation-position'), dir[partner_breakpoint.get('chromosome') + ":" + partner_breakpoint.get('annotation-position')])


sorted_junc = sorted(junc, key=custom_sort_key) # sort junction based on first chr, than pos

# create a dictonary, naming bnd_# for all junctions based on sorted order
junction = {}
num = 0
for item in sorted_junc:
    num +=1
    junction[item] = f'bnd_{num}'

# Create a DataFrame from the extracted data
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Create a DataFrame for vcf file
df_a = pd.DataFrame()

df_a[['#CHROM', 'POS']] = df['Pos1'].str.split(':', expand=True)
df_a['POS'] = df_a['POS'].astype(int)
df_a['ID'] = df['Pos1'].map(junction)
df_a['REF'] = df['Pos1'].map(ref)
df_a['ALT'] = df.apply(lambda row: alternative(row['Pos1'], row['Pos2']), axis=1)
df_a['QUAL'] = '.'
df_a['FILTER'] = '.'
df_a['INFO'] = 'SVTYPE=BND;MATEID=' + df['Pos2'].map(junction) + ';DP=' + df['DP'].astype(str) + ';AF=' + df['AF'].astype(str)

df_b = pd.DataFrame()

df_b[['#CHROM', 'POS']] = df['Pos2'].str.split(':', expand=True)
df_b['POS'] = df_b['POS'].astype(int)
df_b['ID'] = df['Pos2'].map(junction)
df_b['REF'] = df['Pos2'].map(ref)
df_b['ALT'] = df.apply(lambda row: alternative(row['Pos2'], row['Pos1']), axis=1)
df_b['QUAL'] = '.'
df_b['FILTER'] = '.'
df_b['INFO'] = 'SVTYPE=BND;MATEID=' + df['Pos1'].map(junction) + ';DP=' + df['DP'].astype(str) + ';AF=' + df['AF'].astype(str)

result = pd.concat([df_a, df_b], ignore_index=True)

sorted_df = chr_pos_sort(result.copy())

# Output the DataFrame to a TSV file
sorted_df.to_csv('rearrangement.vcf', sep='\t', index=False)

2. cat header_1.vcf header_2.vcf header_3.vcf rearrangement.vcf > rearrangement_complete.vcf


Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 3.56.47 PM.png
guanqiaofeng commented 8 months ago

Liftover vcf from hg19 to hg38:



java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary \
    R=hg38.fa \


java -jar picard.jar LiftoverVcf I=shortvariant_complete.vcf \
    O=shortvariant_lifted_over.vcf \
    CHAIN=hg19ToHg38.over.chain \
    REJECT=rejected_variants.vcf \


java -jar picard.jar LiftoverVcf I=rearrangement_complete.vcf \
    O=rearrangement_lifted_over.vcf \
    CHAIN=hg19ToHg38.over.chain \
    REJECT=ra_rejected_variants.vcf \


Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 3.35.17 PM.png


Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 3.35.05 PM.png


Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 3.34.50 PM.png


Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 3.34.24 PM.png

Some issues:

  1. remove "##human-genome-assembly="hg19"" from the header
  2. chromosome order are not correct, need further edits These issues can be addressed after the next annotation step
edsu7 commented 5 months ago


guanqiaofeng commented 5 months ago

Would argue to use base hg38 genome assembly reference

reason1. the chain file (hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz) would only have link to base hg38 reference

reason2. GRCh38_hla_decoy_ebv reference contains much more contigs and these contigs will carry no information in the vcf files, but they will use lots of space in the header of vcf files

wc -l GRCh38_hla_decoy_ebv.fa.fai
    3366 GRCh38_hla_decoy_ebv.fa.fai
wc -l hg38.fa.fai 
     455 hg38.fa.fai
guanqiaofeng commented 3 months ago

Completed. Workflow available https://github.com/icgc-argo-workflows/xml_variant_ingestion