ichi4096 / vivado-on-silicon-mac

Installs Vivado on M1/M2 macs
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Simulation issue #4

Open a-ricci opened 1 year ago

a-ricci commented 1 year ago

Are you able to run any simulations? It mentions permissions, but that is not the issue. In compile.log I see the following:

assertion failed [metadata != nullptr]: request to change permissions for interval that isn't tracked
(VMAllocationTracker.cpp:469 change_permissions)
/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.2/bin/rdiArgs.sh: line 312: 3424 Trace/breakpoint trap "$RDI_PROG" "$@"
arminsch commented 1 year ago

I see the same issue, also when trying to run simulations on a UTM virtual ARM machine using Rosetta (as described here: https://gist.github.com/sohnryang/ca5d2512f7c6e0bab87843dbf1a3708f). And it is also mentioned here: https://gist.github.com/sohnryang/ca5d2512f7c6e0bab87843dbf1a3708f?permalink_comment_id=4430497#gistcomment-4430497

I've tried to find any information about the error message, but even googling for VMAllocationTracker.cpp produces only the result above. No sure what is the origin of this error message.

arminsch commented 1 year ago

BTW, @ichi4096: Thanks a lot for your altruism to share your efforts.

ichi4096 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @arminsch :-)

I've only tested Vivado by editing, sythesizing, running implementation, generating bitstream and programming devices because that's all we had to do in our classes for now.

But I'll try to debug this issue, which is also seen when starting vitis_hls; my guess is that it doesn't work because of some Docker or Rosetta related issues, since Vivado works in virtual machines otherwise...

The cpp file says somthing with Allocation and I remember somthing about different malloc implementations when going through the Vivado shell scripts, so I have a starting point of investigation.

arminsch commented 1 year ago

Maybe also giving some hints:

arminsch commented 1 year ago

Let me know in case you need someone to discuss. I'm eager to help as this seems to be the last remaining issue that prevents me from changing my Laptop-HW.

ichi4096 commented 1 year ago

Well I tried strace and ltrace on the vivado_hls binary (in the unwrapped folder) and both seem to be broken under Rosetta. Maybe debugging with gdb will help...

a-ricci commented 1 year ago

@ichi4096, thanks for the quick feedback! I'm looking it this as well

ichi4096 commented 1 year ago

I figured out how to run xtclsh and xsdb: Both scripts open the underlying binary (in unwrapped folder) with a software called rlwrap. Installing it separately with apt and replacing the binary in the unwrapped folder with a symlink to the downloaded version of rlwrap makes these two programs work. It's somehow related to ttys... But it's definetly a Rosetta issue.

ichi4096 commented 1 year ago

There are certain debugging tools that work when using UTM instead of Docker, such as strace and to a certain extent gdb. However, gdb hasn't been of much use (I think because of the emulation layer inbetween) and strace generated a massive output (see output.txt).

It seems that xvlog does a lot of mmap and mprotect system calls, which generate lots of segfaults. What's interesting is that the last segfault (the one which crashes the program) is a SEGV_MAPPERR and the rest are SEGV_ACCERR... But I have no idea why that's the case. My theory is that the program (ab)uses a specific memory layout that is present in x64 processors but not Arm, and Rosetta somehow doesn't manage to translate it correctly.

I'm unsure if I can go further this route since my knowledge of these things is quite limited and Apple doesn't publicly disclose much of Rosetta's technicalities. My hope is that some shared library Vivado ships with is the culprit and can be replaced with a more recent version and that'll fix the problem.

a-ricci commented 1 year ago

I see. I tried to debug this a bit but no luck on my side as well. I does seem like a Rosetta-related issue. Quite a few people are getting problems when doing mamps: https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/384

ichi4096 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay, I had some studying to do. The good news: I finally figured out how to debug programs using the RosettaLinux rosetta binary with which x64 ELF binaries are run (using UTM, not Docker).

When running it without arguments, it shows this:

debian@debian:/home/user/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.2/bin/unwrapped/lnx64.o$ /media/rosetta/rosetta 
Usage: rosetta <x86_64 ELF to run>

Optional environment variables:
ROSETTA_DEBUGSERVER_PORT    wait for a debugger connection on given port

version: Rosetta-289.7

Googling the name of the environment variable led to this blog, which explained the whole process.

And instead of getting meaningless translated garbage, with which I can do pretty much nothing since it's JIT-compiled, I get actual x64 assembly :O As was to be expected, there are no debug symbols, but I'll see how far I get.

ichi4096 commented 1 year ago

There is very little I can do without debug symbols... So I asked for them here. Probably, I won't get an answer, however, I can ask specifically for the source code of the rlwrap binary since it's GPL licensed. If I can reproduce the error with the source code, maybe I'll get closer to the issue...

ichi4096 commented 11 months ago

So… I got a response on the Xilinx support forum, but it doesn‘t help. This issue seems to be specifically rosetta-related, so I reported this issue via the Feedback app in macOS.

In the meantime, somewhere in the EULA, they mention the version of rlwrap they used, which I downloaded via the wayback machine. I‘ll try to compile it with debug symbols and debug it properly.

Also sorry for not updating for a long time, I had some catching up to do with my studies.

arminsch commented 11 months ago

A thought concerning this issue:

Maybe also giving some hints:

  • xar, xcrg, xelab, xsc, xvhdl, xvlog all raise the same exception mentioned above)
  • xtclshand xsdb raise a somewhat relate exception
assertion failed [result.value != EEXIST]: VmTracker attempted to allocate existing mapping
(ThreadContextVm.cpp:47 mmap)
/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.2/bin/xtclsh: line 72:  2543 Trace/breakpoint trap   (core dumped) "$RDI_BINROOT"/unwrapped/"$PLATFORM_TMP$RDI_OPT_EXT"/rlwrap -rc "$RDI_BINROOT"/loader -exec tclsh8.5 "${RDI_ARGS[@]}"

Maybe this is related to CPU re-mapping (as reported also on Windows here: https://gist.github.com/sohnryang/ca5d2512f7c6e0bab87843dbf1a3708f?permalink_comment_id=4482191#gistcomment-4482191).

According to https://threedots.ovh/blog/2022/06/quick-look-at-rosetta-on-linux/ taskset (https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/taskset.1.html) helps to lock a process to a specific CPU. Might this be a solution?

Unfortunately I can currently no check this, as I don't have a Vivado installation on ARM Linux.

ichi4096 commented 10 months ago

The simulation should work on the 2023 version, for which I just added support. Can anyone confirm? At least the binaries mentioned above don't crash anymore.

WindHurtLZ commented 10 months ago

The simulation should work on the 2023 version, for which I just added support. Can anyone confirm? At least the binaries mentioned above don't crash anymore.

I got same error when i simulate on 2023 version.

assertion failed [metadata != nullptr]: request to change permissions for interval that isn't tracked (VMAllocationTracker.cpp:469 change_permissions) /home/user/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.1/bin/rdiArgs.sh: line 352: 282 Trace/breakpoint trap "$RDI_PROG" "$@"

ichi4096 commented 10 months ago

Could you provide a simulation and detailed instructions for how to reproduce the error message?

henriquenunez commented 10 months ago

Hey ppl, I also came across this problem now when trying to launch a simulation (pretty simple now, was just to see how to use vivado itself).

For me the problem is the following message:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 16 42 21

When running the simulation from the following button:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 16 42 59

I am here to help fixing the issue, if needed, just could use some guidance XD.

ichi4096 commented 9 months ago

Could anybody please give a concrete example of a simulation that doesn't run? Meaning include the files, Vivado version, macOS version, Docker version and error messages as well as steps to reproduce the error.

CasparB commented 9 months ago

Hey, I'm having this issue on Vivado v2023.1, macOS Ventura 13.0.1, Docker v24.0.6. Error:




Constraint file, source files used in the project I'm trying to simulate:


Please let me know if you need more info!

keegandent commented 6 months ago

I can run post-synthesis functional sim but not post-synthesis timing sim, basically the same errors as CasparB.

Really appreciate your work on this @ichi4096. Let me know if you need another test project for comparison on this.