ichifarm / ichi-farming

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Create a stats dashboard for ichi.farm #1

Open masanobufukuoka opened 3 years ago

masanobufukuoka commented 3 years ago


  1. Hosted on a third party domain, similar to https://sushi.zippo.io/
  2. Displays Summary ichi.farm stats: total liquidity, fees collected, compounding APY, etc
  3. Displays Pool-level ichi.farm stats: liquidity, yield per $1000 staked (regular and bumper crop), underlying token amount, average ROI daily, monthly, yearly, etc
  4. Displays bumper crop stats for specific ranks and pools - see logic here: https://bit.ly/ichispread
  5. Must be launched within 5 Days of bounty acceptance and run through the end of ichi.farm liquidity farming (approximately 90 days)

Read medium article for details on ichi.farm


MoonieMama commented 3 years ago

Not a helpful comment - but would be awesome to learn more about when the dashboard would be out; would also like to see the reserve behaviour (around minimum amts).