ichim / LeafletForBlazor-NuGet

LeafletForBlazor NuGet Package - You can quickly add a map control to your Blazor application - version. GeoJSON file and switch/case appearance. Apply visibility zoom levels
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Geometric.DisplayPointsFromArray #20

Open DTemeroso opened 7 months ago

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

When you're using Geometric.DisplayPointsFromArray, can't i use another type of point instead of the PointSymbol?

Because when I use PointIcon I get an error message.


ichim commented 7 months ago

Hello sir,

The package is under development. At this moment, only PointSymbol symbolization is implemented. In future versions, addPoint() will also have icon symbolization available...

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

ok, What would be the best method to insert multiple markers on the map?

ichim commented 7 months ago

upload() method is optimized to operate on execution threads, if you have different types of StreamPoint().

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

when we're using the Geometric.Points.upload, add ,appearance methods, what's the order they should be put in, if you're not using buttons?

ichim commented 7 months ago

Appearance() and AppearanceOnType() have static behavior, they store the symbols in a current view. The order of calling upload() or add() and appearance should not matter. ...soon I will update to version

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

thank , I'll be waiting for it

ichim commented 7 months ago

Thank you too

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

where "RealTimeMap.VisibilityZoomLevel" can be placed in the code and how it should be used

ichim commented 7 months ago

No sir, is a class. As a general rule, properties that can receive values have names starting with a lowercase letter (camelcase).

You can set the visibility of collection point - on type (StreamPoint) using the AppearanceOnType() method with the pattern property


DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Ok, thanks for explain

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

the Esri plugins just works on the Map control?

ichim commented 7 months ago

Yes sir, for this moment. Let me explain! I made a big mistake in the design of the Map control that cannot be corrected. That's why we started the development of the RealTimMap control. RealTimeMap will have Map functionality.

RealTimeMap will be dynamic, capable of working with moving points...

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

So in the next version, RealTimeMap will possibly be able to support plugins and more features than Map has.

ichim commented 7 months ago

... features will be added gradually. The way of new version is slightly more complicated to develop than the old version. Sorry

ichim commented 7 months ago

Hello sir, I uploaded a new version of the package ( It will be available in a few minutes after indexing. In this package you will find the OnAfterMapLoaded event method.This method is triggered after the map is fully loaded into the page.

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Hi, Thanks for notifying the release of the new version

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

An error is appearing for MapEventArgs

public async Task onLoadControl(RealTimeMap.MapEventArgs value)
    if (realTimeMap != null)
        await realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.upload(pointsStart, true);


ichim commented 7 months ago

... check if you have updated to the new version

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

I updated, the problem is when I rebuild the project and run it, it returns to the previous version

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

i have to restart the vsual studio

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Sorry for disturbing you

ichim commented 7 months ago

it's working?

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Yes the problem was whit the visual studio

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

the Apperance method can use all 3 types of point(Symbel, Icon, Tooltip)?

ichim commented 7 months ago

No, only PointSymbol for this moment.

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Ok , thanks

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Ichim, you work for Esri, is it possible to explain in a summarized form, the TOU to use the api, if you can, legally

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

if not it's ok

ichim commented 7 months ago

Are you referring to the Esri API?

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago


ichim commented 7 months ago

Well, how do I start? I will tell you in broad terms. Esri is a world leader in the development of GIS software solutions. It offers a complete set of tools for the display, analysis (spatial data) and development of very high performance software applications. In addition, it supports Open Source solutions. One of these solutions is Leaflet developed by Volodymyr Agafonkin. In this regard, Esri has developed the "open source Leaflet plug-in": https://developers.arcgis.com/esri-leaflet/ It's just that to use this API (Leaflet plug-in) you need to generate a API key code: https://developers.arcgis.com/esri-leaflet/get-started/ Generating and using this key code and API is free!! The use can be made for educational, demo and commercial purposes and is subject to the terms of the Apache License 2.0 ArcGIS API (ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript) performance is clearly superior to Leaflet API, Bing Maps, MapBox, TomTom Map or other solutions: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Currently, I am developing an application for a company, the application will be used within the company itself, it is considered commercial?

ichim commented 7 months ago

No sir! Commercial means that the application is used by third parties under an agreement.

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

You can turn a point into a "button" by clicking on the point to bring up a sidebar with custom information about what that point represents.

ichim commented 7 months ago

To understand that you want to click on the map and get a StreamPoint?

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

No. Stream.Point is already on the map and I want to click on it to show the information about that point in a sidebar

ichim commented 7 months ago

...a kind of ToolTips?

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

Yes. Sorry for the late response

ichim commented 7 months ago

For the moment, no! Future versions will have. Sorry.

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

With the new method, it is possible to do what I had asked before about, by "clicking on an existing point", make it appear in a sidebar with the information of that point.

ichim commented 7 months ago

If you refer to the new event methods in the release, the answare is no. Sorry

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago


DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

The "useMapBounds" parameter in the Esri plugin "EsriGeocodingSearchParameters", what does it do?

ichim commented 7 months ago

When useMapBounds is true, the search is done only into displayed area (map). When is false, the search is done everyone.

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

When using "EsriGeocodingSearch" is possivel to iterate a list of address?

ichim commented 7 months ago

It's an interactive search. Only the search list displays a list of addresses that match the criteria...

DTemeroso commented 7 months ago

So, if I use a list with addresses that I chose, I won't be able to geocode each of the addresses.Right

ichim commented 7 months ago

For this moment, yes. LeafletForBlazor use Esri Geocoding pug-in, which is a Leaflet Map control. But, can be a good idea!

ichim commented 6 months ago

Hello sir,

Version of the package allows configuring Tooltips for the StreamPoint collection. Configuration is done through the pattern property of the Appearance() or AppearanceOnType() method:

realTimeMap.Geometric.Points.AppearanceOnType(item => item.type == "intervention vehicle").pattern = new RealTimeMap.PointTooltip()
        content = "<h6>${value}</h6>${type}</br>${guid}",
        opacity = 0.8,
        permanent = true