ichim / LeafletForBlazor-NuGet

LeafletForBlazor NuGet Package - You can quickly add a map control to your Blazor application - version. Refer to bugs #34 and #46
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Exposing Elevation Data #29

Open odskee opened 4 months ago

odskee commented 4 months ago

Fantastic work with this project I'm currently using LeafletForBlazor in a Blazor/MAUI hybrid application pretty successfully.

However, I need to obtain elevation data for the returned point on the MouseClick Event - lat and lon are easy enough to obtain but I can't see how I get elevation - is this currently possible / if not, would it be much hassle to include this in the RealTimeMap.ClicksMapArgs location model?

ichim commented 4 months ago

Hello sir, Thanks a lot!

A possible solution is to use the elevation basemap from Esri. Using Esri's basemaps is not yet developed for RealTimeMap control.