ichim / LeafletForBlazor-NuGet

LeafletForBlazor NuGet Package - You can quickly add a map control to your Blazor application - version. GeoJSON file and switch/case appearance. Apply visibility zoom levels
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Removing Data #36

Open ZARichardWright opened 3 months ago

ZARichardWright commented 3 months ago

Hi Thanks for the great component so far.

I feel like there must be a way i am just missing it but i would like to remove an polyline that was added via the Realmap.Geometric.DataFromGeoJSON.addObject function.

Cheers in advance

ichim commented 3 months ago

Hello sir,

Good question!

This functionality is new. To delete we haven't created a method yet, I am sorry!

In the next version I will add this method.