ichitenfont / I.Ming

I.Ming ( I.明體 / 一点明朝体 / 一點明體 )
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Some stylistic discrepancies #103

Closed epistularum closed 1 year ago

epistularum commented 1 year ago

鬣: Lower part of 鼠 connecting to the upper component in one single instance. The character on the right is only there for comparison: image

䣟嶜朁潛簪蠶鬵㿊𠓸𢑋𥸢𧌩𧕽𧖛𩀿𩅨𮆪: 𡉙𢙴𢛭𣄮𣄱𥬗𨙐𮎁: Lower right part of 旡 connecting to the upper part in some instances. (The connecting/non-connecting is inconsistent between the main I.Ming font and the Var font.) image image

䣟: The upper left part of 旡 connecting and forming an angle in this one character in the Var font file. image

爗: The lower 艹 part of 華 is connecting to the upper/lower strokes in this one character in the Var font. The character on the right is only there for comparison: image

螱: The stroke style of the third stroke of 示 is wrong in the regular I.ming font AND is connected to the upper stroke in the Var font file. The character on the right is only there for comparison: image

䓈𣪯𭮫𭮳𭮴𭯃𭿩𮇩𮬙: The top part of 殳 ending with a flick instead of stopping. image

鳔: The simplified component 鱼 魚 is changed to traditional 魚 shape in the Var font. image

i-font commented 1 year ago



★ 兓部件 要是「乚」筆必須與上方分離,將會造成字形上失去平衡。因爲把「乚」筆的豎部份斷開的話,必須騰出空間放上明體豎筆開首的「圖片」形,這可能令此筆要下移,上方的橫筆也要上移。然而許多「兓部件」本來就空間有限,不得不長得矮,「乚」筆可以享有的空間比「鬣」下方的「鼠腳」還矮小,已沒有再多的空間可以騰出來。而「乚」筆是否與上方相接,本來跟字理沒什麼關係。因此在諮詢過字型設計師朋友的意見和綜合考慮後,這批字中若有妨礙美觀者,如「𥸢」等,則不會修改。

★ 隸定字 個別隸定字,實爲依篆文、古文或其他古代文字之形而隸定,雖隸定後某部份形塊跟常用部件形同,實不同源,字理上不應相混。如「𡴗」不从「呂」,實爲「叀」之古文「圖片」之隸定,兩圓之間的連接筆畫不應移除。「𣓡」字亦然,不依「呂部件」之規則。

★ 訛字 個別訛字,字理不可考,或者絕大部份文獻都不使用它,而會使用正字,確實用它時是取其訛形,甚至同時是不同字的訛混形體,則未必更改。又如「𨙐」和「𭅺」的「新字形皀」部份,目前暫且保留。