icholy / ember-brunch

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use Router and StateManager #1

Closed icholy closed 12 years ago

icholy commented 12 years ago

Update the boilerplate to use the statemanager/states and the new router.

edubkendo commented 12 years ago

Will be really glad when you update this. The router on the latest versions of ember simplifies everything so much. I think this is an awesome project btw, and appreciate your efforts.

edubkendo commented 12 years ago


icholy commented 12 years ago

I'm on it

wonk commented 12 years ago

Please update for node 0.8 as well. The ember-brunch package.json does not currently allow installation under node 0.8.x. And css--brunch errors with incompatible version (needs update to allow 1.3.0, I think). Not sure what other versioning issues exist.


icholy commented 12 years ago


icholy commented 12 years ago

@edubkendo take a look at the router branch. What do you think I should add?

@wonk pls create a new issue

icholy commented 12 years ago

PR's are completely welcome btw

icholy commented 12 years ago

merged into master

edubkendo commented 12 years ago

Sorry, missed this somehow. I should have gotten emails, but I wonder if github's recent changes messed that up somehow. Anyways, will give this a try soon and report any feedback

icholy commented 12 years ago

sounds good. I actually haven't used the Router in any real applications yet, so let me know if you see anything funky.

icholy commented 12 years ago

do you think the router should be split across multiple files?

edubkendo commented 12 years ago

I am currently using ember in a fairly large project, taking advantage of the router, and so far I've kept the router in one file, because even though it could potentially get long-ish, it's much easier to follow the logic with it all there together. Keeping up with all those transitions and outlets would get a bit tricky otherwise, I think.

icholy commented 12 years ago

Alright, well I'm starting a large app with this new skeleton. I'll see what works.