iconara / mikka

JRuby wrapper for Akka
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Fix issue with preRestart missing a method parameter for the message. #6

Closed akira closed 11 years ago

akira commented 11 years ago

In Akka, preRestart method is defined as:

  public void preRestart(Throwable reason, Option<Object> message)

But Mikka is only defining the method as a single parameter:

def pre_restart(reason); end
def preRestart(reason); super; pre_restart(reason); end

This is causing an issue with actor restarts on line 91 of mikka.rb, which is throwing this exception:

org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (ArgumentError) wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) 

This PR fixes this issue by adding the missing message option parameter

iconara commented 11 years ago

Thanks! I've merged and pushed up a new version (v2.0.0.pre1)