iconara / rubydoop

Write Hadoop jobs in JRuby
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rubydoop.jar appears to contain duplicate files #19

Closed bjorne closed 10 years ago

bjorne commented 10 years ago

According to the jar command, all class files are duplicated in the rubydoop JAR file:

$ jar tf lib/rubydoop.jar | sort | uniq -c
   1 META-INF/
   1 rubydoop/
   2 rubydoop/BaseComparatorProxy.class
   2 rubydoop/CombinerProxy.class
   2 rubydoop/GroupingComparatorProxy.class
   2 rubydoop/InstanceContainer.class
   2 rubydoop/MapperProxy.class
   2 rubydoop/PartitionerProxy.class
   2 rubydoop/ReducerProxy.class
   2 rubydoop/RubydoopConfigurationException.class
   2 rubydoop/RubydoopJobRunner$1.class
   2 rubydoop/RubydoopJobRunner.class
   2 rubydoop/RubydoopRunnerException.class
   2 rubydoop/SortComparatorProxy.class
grddev commented 10 years ago

Not that it seems to matter for file size or anything, but the changes on https://github.com/iconara/rubydoop/compare/master...optimize_jar fixes the issue

iconara commented 10 years ago

Fixed in v1.1.3