1. Water abstraction stage:2. Water abstraction and distribution stage3. N20 from treatment is not calculating4. Waste Water Treatment5. Translate opportunities page. 6. Pumping Edits
6.1 Abstraction Stage
6.2 Drinking Water Treatment
6.3 Distribution
6.4 Collection
6.5 Wast Water treatment
Delete estimated pumping efficiency since it cannot be calculated with the given inputs.
1. Water abstraction stage: 2. Water abstraction and distribution stage 3. N20 from treatment is not calculating 4. Waste Water Treatment 5. Translate opportunities page.
6. Pumping Edits 6.1 Abstraction Stage 6.2 Drinking Water Treatment 6.3 Distribution 6.4 Collection 6.5 Wast Water treatment Delete estimated pumping efficiency since it cannot be calculated with the given inputs.