icsharpcode / AvalonEdit

The WPF-based text editor component used in SharpDevelop
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Highlighting #354

Closed NotroDev closed 2 years ago

NotroDev commented 2 years ago

Hi. I have this in my xaml for code highlighting:

<Span color="String">

And yeah, it's working. But, i want to add a rule that will override it. Eg. i have a rule that highlights text between {}. And i want it to highlight in "" too. Like this: obraz

How can i do this?

siegfriedpammer commented 2 years ago

This is probably what you want:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SyntaxDefinition name="Custom Highlighting" xmlns="http://icsharpcode.net/sharpdevelop/syntaxdefinition/2008">
    <Color name="Comment" foreground="Green" />
    <Color name="String" foreground="Blue" />
    <Color name="BracedExpression" foreground="Orange" />

        <Span color="String" ruleSet="BracedExpressionRuleSet">

        <Import ruleSet="BracedExpressionRuleSet" />

    <RuleSet name="BracedExpressionRuleSet">
        <Span color="BracedExpression">
NotroDev commented 2 years ago

This is probably what you want:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SyntaxDefinition name="Custom Highlighting" xmlns="http://icsharpcode.net/sharpdevelop/syntaxdefinition/2008">
  <Color name="Comment" foreground="Green" />
  <Color name="String" foreground="Blue" />
  <Color name="BracedExpression" foreground="Orange" />

      <Span color="String" ruleSet="BracedExpressionRuleSet">

      <Import ruleSet="BracedExpressionRuleSet" />

  <RuleSet name="BracedExpressionRuleSet">
      <Span color="BracedExpression">

Yes, it's working perfectly! Thanks! :D

NotroDev commented 2 years ago

Hey, sorry, but I have new problems... This:

<Keywords foreground="#FF5555">

Is working like this: obraz Why? I want it to be always highlighted.

And... I have this:

<Span color="Command">
    <Begin>command </Begin>
        <!-- nested span for escape sequences -->
        <Span begin="#"/>

It's working okay in what i want: obraz But... "command" is red also in the normal text: obraz

And i have a question.

I have colors like this: obraz

How can i make it to look like this? obraz I hope you understand.

(Eg. &a is green, and all text after &a is green (until a new color appears, eg. &b)

(Sorry, i don't understand regex etc)

NotroDev commented 2 years ago

This is probably what you want:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SyntaxDefinition name="Custom Highlighting" xmlns="http://icsharpcode.net/sharpdevelop/syntaxdefinition/2008">
  <Color name="Comment" foreground="Green" />
  <Color name="String" foreground="Blue" />
  <Color name="BracedExpression" foreground="Orange" />

      <Span color="String" ruleSet="BracedExpressionRuleSet">

      <Import ruleSet="BracedExpressionRuleSet" />

  <RuleSet name="BracedExpressionRuleSet">
      <Span color="BracedExpression">

To my last reply. I can use this code:

<Span foreground="#FF5555">

But it colors next & too. I just need to remove it and it will be great...