icsharpcode / AvalonEdit

The WPF-based text editor component used in SharpDevelop
MIT License
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Search and replace panel #91

Open aelij opened 8 years ago

aelij commented 8 years ago

I've inherited from SearchPanel and added replace functionality to it. Would you be interested in a PR integrating it to the original panel? It requires very few code changes. This could be useful for anyone using AvalonEdit.

Thanks for making such a great control!

groogiam commented 7 years ago


jogibear9988 commented 7 years ago

have you also seen: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/173509/A-Universal-WPF-Find-Replace-Dialog

i've created a nuget of this: https://github.com/dotnetprojects/UniversalFindReplace

jogibear9988 commented 7 years ago

@dgrunwald what du you think about this change? should a pull req. be created?

DevidCIC commented 6 years ago

@aelij could you share the code ?

A search and replace pane is really missing from avalon edit.

mfabruno commented 6 years ago

@DevidCIC see this pull request for the avalon: https://github.com/icsharpcode/AvalonEdit/pull/99 I have being using it, and it is working just fine!

aelij commented 6 years ago

My code is here: https://github.com/aelij/RoslynPad/blob/master/src/RoslynPad.Editor.Windows/SearchReplacePanel.cs https://github.com/aelij/RoslynPad/blob/master/src/RoslynPad.Editor.Windows/Themes/Generic.xaml