icsharpcode / ILSpy

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non-existing IsReadOnly property #1766

Open greenozon opened 5 years ago

greenozon commented 5 years ago

ILSpy version

found inside FilteredReadOnlyMetadataCollection class:

bool IList.get_IsReadOnly()
        return base.IsReadOnly;

genuine code: https://github.com/microsoft/referencesource/blob/master/System.Data.Entity/System/Data/Metadata/Edm/FilteredReadOnlyMetadataCollection.cs

greenozon commented 5 years ago

dll inside #1759

siegfriedpammer commented 5 years ago

There is no entry in the MethodSemantics table for method 06002D05, so we currently do not detect it as a property getter. How was this assembly compiled? Was it post-processed using some tool?

@dgrunwald I've been getting bug reports like this one a lot more recently... do you think we could do something about properties with missing metadata? Tools like ILLinker remove metadata/code that is not strictly needed...