icsharpcode / NRefactory

NRefactory - Refactoring Your C# Code
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Code actions on unknown method are not useful #470

Closed aeschli closed 9 years ago

aeschli commented 9 years ago

'roslyn' branch: For the following code, get code actions on the reference to 'GetByEmailAsync' in Foo. The method exists, but needs arguments.

public class EmployeeRepository
  Task<Employee> GetByEmailAsync(string email, PictureType pictureType) { return null; }

public class Foo {
  public async Task<Employee> GetLoggedEmployeeInfo(EmployeeRepository rep)
    return await rep.GetByEmailAsync();

The proposals contain 'Create field', 'Create property' and 'Create local variable'

mkrueger commented 9 years ago

The create actions were not really done well because roslyn already contains them. These actions got removed.