icsharpcode / SharpDevelop

#develop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for .NET programming languages.
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[VERY IMPORTANT BUG] NuGet Addin death ;-) #812

Open hellboy81 opened 6 years ago

hellboy81 commented 6 years ago

SharpDevelop is dead but is still used as base for some special IDEs such as Ranorex.

Due on some problems I still cannot use NuGet PM based on PowerShell from SD/RS 's NuGuet Addin.

Also GUI tools not available.


utherbone commented 6 years ago

Visual Studio 2017, I would choose, I have some applications that uses nuget packages and it works fine, packages outside the visual studio repository I have not tested but should not be a problem for integrating. I do not think it is appropriate to raise doubts in a problem session, however .... I am not part of the SharpDevelop project, I came here to help.

hellboy81 commented 6 years ago

The NuGet is now works with Ranorex Studio 8.2