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Error when parsing XAML with a line in it #828

Open JoshWobbles opened 5 years ago

JoshWobbles commented 5 years ago

I get an error when trying to parse the XAML this creates when I have a line in the markup. Path, rectangle etc all seem fine, but as soon as I draw a line it throws the following error:

System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriterException HResult=0x80131500 Message=Set property 'System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Margin' threw an exception. Source=System.Xaml StackTrace: at MS.Internal.Xaml.Runtime.ClrObjectRuntime.SetValue(Object inst, XamlMember property, > Object value) Inner Exception 1: ArgumentException: 'Auto,Auto,0,0' is not a valid value for property 'Margin'.

For reference, the code I am using to parse the XAML is:

        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        using (var xmlWriter = new XamlXmlWriter(sb))
        var xamlCode = sb.ToString();

        UIElement rootElement;
        rootElement = (UIElement)XamlReader.Parse(xamlCode);