icsharpcode / SharpDevelop

#develop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for .NET programming languages.
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Unable to Build the source code. #843

Open RaviMDhoble opened 4 years ago

RaviMDhoble commented 4 years ago

Hello Everyone!

I am using VS2019, I am working on a project similar to SharpDevelop IDE. I checked out the source code. I am unable to build this project correctly in VS. I tried a couple of solutions, but still, different build issues are popping up. This source code is a good starting point for me. I am new to C# so, trying to understand. At this point am particularly interested in the Debugger part, that I have to implement in my project.

Things I tried to resolve---,

  1. In each project, I readded the ICSharp(dot).xyz References, that took lot of time but didn't help.
  2. I checked out AvalonEdit, NRefactory, WPFdesigner, etc projects separately and tried to replace them with existing folders in sharp demo source code. That helped little to resolve issues, but still, its failing to build the solution.
  3. It's a bit difficult at first to understand how different projects work together.

    PFA, screenshots from VS. Can anyone, pls check out this code and recompile it? Thanks! AfterOpening SharpDemo_sln file Errorslist SharpDemo_ErrorList.txt