icsharpcode / WpfDesigner

The WPF Designer from SharpDevelop
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I found 3 issues #90

Closed BillShawn closed 2 years ago

BillShawn commented 2 years ago

1,DataGrid can not edit colunms with its right top contextmenu 2,ever control outside tabcontrol can not drag to tabcontrol's tabitem,it will create a new sub item but type is not TabItem 3,ever control drag in DataGrid

issue 1 :QuickOperationMenuExtension.cs line 71 how to resolve issue 1 and issue 2?

BillShawn commented 2 years ago

well, issue 3 is closed now;

BillShawn commented 2 years ago

a new issue, ComboBoxEditor can not work. change ComboBoxEditor.xaml content `<ComboBox x:Class="ICSharpCode.WpfDesign.Designer.PropertyGrid.Editors.ComboBoxEditor" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/netfx/2007/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:ICSharpCode.WpfDesign.Designer.Controls" BorderThickness="1" SelectedValue="{Binding DesignerValue}" Background="Transparent" Focusable="False" Margin="0" VirtualizingStackPanel.ScrollUnit="Pixel" VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="True" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True"

` now ,it work

jogibear9988 commented 2 years ago

Could you create pull requests with fixes for your issues? I've no time to look for the at the moment

BillShawn commented 2 years ago

issue1: DataGrid can not edit colunms with its right top contextmenu change code in QuickOperationMenuExtension.cs method OnMenuLoaded and MainHeaderClick `private void OnMenuLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(_menu.MainHeader!=null) _menu.MainHeader.Click += MainHeaderClick;

        int menuItemsAdded = 0;
        var view = this.ExtendedItem.View;

        if (view != null) {
            string setValue;
            if(view is ItemsControl) {
                if (view is DataGrid )
                    _menu.AddSubMenuInTheHeader(new MenuItem() { Header = "Edit DataGrid Columns" });
                    _menu.AddSubMenuInTheHeader(new MenuItem() { Header = "Edit Items" });


            if(view is Grid) {
                _menu.AddSubMenuInTheHeader(new MenuItem() {Header = "Edit Rows"});
                _menu.AddSubMenuInTheHeader(new MenuItem() {Header = "Edit Columns"});

            if (view is StackPanel) {
                var ch = new MenuItem() {Header = "Change Orientation"};
                setValue = this.ExtendedItem.Properties[StackPanel.OrientationProperty].ValueOnInstance.ToString();
                _menu.AddSubMenuCheckable(ch, Enum.GetValues(typeof (Orientation)), Orientation.Vertical.ToString(), setValue);
                _menu.MainHeader.Items.Add(new Separator());

            if(this.ExtendedItem.Parent!=null && this.ExtendedItem.Parent.View is DockPanel) {
                var sda = new MenuItem() {Header = "Set Dock to"};
                setValue = this.ExtendedItem.Properties.GetAttachedProperty(DockPanel.DockProperty).ValueOnInstance.ToString();
                _menu.AddSubMenuCheckable(sda, Enum.GetValues(typeof (Dock)), Dock.Left.ToString(), setValue);
                _menu.MainHeader.Items.Add(new Separator());

            var ha = new MenuItem() {Header = "Horizontal Alignment"};
            setValue = this.ExtendedItem.Properties[FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignmentProperty].ValueOnInstance.ToString();
            _menu.AddSubMenuCheckable(ha, Enum.GetValues(typeof (HorizontalAlignment)), HorizontalAlignment.Stretch.ToString(), setValue);

            var va = new MenuItem() {Header = "Vertical Alignment"};
            setValue = this.ExtendedItem.Properties[FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignmentProperty].ValueOnInstance.ToString();
            _menu.AddSubMenuCheckable(va, Enum.GetValues(typeof (VerticalAlignment)), VerticalAlignment.Stretch.ToString(), setValue);

            if (!(this.ExtendedItem.Parent?.Component is Panel)|| this.ExtendedItem.Parent?.Component is Grid)
                _menu.AddSubMenuInTheHeader(new MenuItem() { Header = "Set Fill" });


        if (menuItemsAdded == 0) {

    private void MainHeaderClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var clickedOn = e.Source as MenuItem;
        if (clickedOn != null) {
            var parent = clickedOn.Parent as MenuItem;
            if (parent != null) {

                if((string)clickedOn.Header=="Edit Items") {
                    var editor = new CollectionEditor();
                    var itemsControl=this.ExtendedItem.View as ItemsControl;
                    if (itemsControl != null)

                if ((string)clickedOn.Header == "Edit DataGrid Columns")
                    var editor = new FlatCollectionEditor();
                    var itemsControl = this.ExtendedItem.View as DataGrid;
                    if (itemsControl != null)

                if ((string)clickedOn.Header=="Edit Rows") {
                    var editor = new FlatCollectionEditor();
                    var gd=this.ExtendedItem.View as Grid;
                    if (gd != null)

                if((string)clickedOn.Header=="Edit Columns") {
                    var editor = new FlatCollectionEditor();
                    var gd=this.ExtendedItem.View as Grid;
                    if (gd != null)

                if (parent.Header is string && (string) parent.Header == "Change Orientation") {
                    var value = _menu.UncheckChildrenAndSelectClicked(parent, clickedOn);
                    if (value != null) {
                        var orientation = Enum.Parse(typeof (Orientation), value);
                        if (orientation != null)
                if (parent.Header is string && (string)parent.Header == "Set Dock to") {
                    var value = _menu.UncheckChildrenAndSelectClicked(parent, clickedOn);
                    if(value!=null) {
                        var dock = Enum.Parse(typeof (Dock), value);
                        if (dock != null)

                if (parent.Header is string && (string) parent.Header == "Horizontal Alignment") {
                    var value = _menu.UncheckChildrenAndSelectClicked(parent, clickedOn);
                    if (value != null) {
                        var ha = Enum.Parse(typeof (HorizontalAlignment), value);
                        if (ha != null)

                if (parent.Header is string && (string) parent.Header == "Vertical Alignment") {
                    var value = _menu.UncheckChildrenAndSelectClicked(parent, clickedOn);
                    if (value != null) {
                        var va = Enum.Parse(typeof (VerticalAlignment), value);
                        if (va != null)

                if ((string)clickedOn.Header == "Set Fill")


                    this.ExtendedItem.Properties[FrameworkElement.MarginProperty].SetValue(new Thickness(3));

you can call a FlatCollectionEditor after click Edit Columns menu,but it can not work , we must change FlatCollectionEditor.xaml.cs // Copyright (c) 2019 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Linq; using ICSharpCode.WpfDesign.Designer.themes; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace ICSharpCode.WpfDesign.Designer.PropertyGrid.Editors { public partial class FlatCollectionEditor : Window { private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Type[]> TypeMappings = new Dictionary<Type, Type[]>(); static FlatCollectionEditor() { TypeMappings.Add(typeof(ListBox),new Type[] { typeof(ListBoxItem) }); TypeMappings.Add(typeof(ListView), new Type[] { typeof(ListViewItem) }); TypeMappings.Add(typeof(ComboBox), new Type[] { typeof(ComboBoxItem) }); TypeMappings.Add(typeof(TabControl), new Type[] { typeof(TabItem) }); TypeMappings.Add(typeof(ColumnDefinitionCollection), new Type[] { typeof(ColumnDefinition) }); TypeMappings.Add(typeof(RowDefinitionCollection), new Type[] { typeof(RowDefinition) }); TypeMappings.Add(typeof(ObservableCollection), new Type[] { typeof(DataGridTextColumn), typeof(DataGridComboBoxColumn), typeof(DataGridCheckBoxColumn) }); }

    private DesignItemProperty _itemProperty;
    private IComponentService _componentService;
    //private Type _type;

    public FlatCollectionEditor()

        //this.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;

    /// <summary>
    /// Fixes InitializeComponent with multiple Versions of same Assembly loaded
    /// </summary>
    public void SpecialInitializeComponent()
        if (!this._contentLoaded) {
            this._contentLoaded = true;
            Uri resourceLocator = new Uri(VersionedAssemblyResourceDictionary.GetXamlNameForType(this.GetType()), UriKind.Relative);
            Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocator);


    public Type GetItemsSourceType(Type t)
        Type tp = t.GetInterfaces().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsGenericType && x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection<>));

        return (tp != null ) ? tp.GetGenericArguments()[0] : null;

    public void LoadItemsCollection(DesignItemProperty itemProperty)
        _itemProperty = itemProperty;
        TypeMappings.TryGetValue(_itemProperty.ReturnType, out Type[] _type);

        _type = _type ?? new Type[] { GetItemsSourceType(_itemProperty.ReturnType) };

        if (_type == null) {

        cbx_Type.ItemsSource = _type;
        if (_type.Length>0)
            cbx_Type.SelectedIndex = 0;
        ListBox.ItemsSource = _itemProperty.CollectionElements;

    private void OnAddItemClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        if (cbx_Type.SelectedItem is Type _type)
            DesignItem newItem = _componentService.RegisterComponentForDesigner(Activator.CreateInstance(_type));

    private void OnRemoveItemClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var selItem = ListBox.SelectedItem as DesignItem;
        if (selItem != null)

    private void OnMoveItemUpClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        DesignItem selectedItem = ListBox.SelectedItem as DesignItem;
        if (selectedItem!=null) {
            if(_itemProperty.CollectionElements.Count!=1 && _itemProperty.CollectionElements.IndexOf(selectedItem)!=0){
                int moveToIndex=_itemProperty.CollectionElements.IndexOf(selectedItem)-1;
                var itemAtMoveToIndex=_itemProperty.CollectionElements[moveToIndex];
                if ((moveToIndex + 1) < (_itemProperty.CollectionElements.Count+1))

    private void OnMoveItemDownClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        DesignItem selectedItem = ListBox.SelectedItem as DesignItem;
        if (selectedItem!=null) {
            var itemCount=_itemProperty.CollectionElements.Count;
            if(itemCount!=1 && _itemProperty.CollectionElements.IndexOf(selectedItem)!=itemCount){
                int moveToIndex=_itemProperty.CollectionElements.IndexOf(selectedItem)+1;
                    var itemAtMoveToIndex=_itemProperty.CollectionElements[moveToIndex];

    void ListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        PropertyGridView.PropertyGrid.SelectedItems = ListBox.SelectedItems.Cast<DesignItem>();
        e.Handled = true;

} `

BillShawn commented 2 years ago

Iuess 2 and 3,cancel drag control to TabControl and DataGrid Line15 -Line154,source code is : if (ExtendedItem.ContentProperty.IsCollection) return CollectionSupport.CanCollectionAdd(ExtendedItem.ContentProperty.ReturnType, operation.PlacedItems.Select(p => p.Item.Component)); change it `

if (ExtendedItem.ContentProperty.IsCollection) { if (ExtendedItem.Component is Panel) return CollectionSupport.CanCollectionAdd(ExtendedItem.ContentProperty.ReturnType, operation.PlacedItems.Select(p => p.Item.Component)); return false; }
