I am try to run aimdroid on Ubuntu 18. I followed the steps to installation https://icsnju.github.io/AimDroid-ICSME-2017/install-AimDroid-on-an-emulator.html
I also build the controller
I am using the correct emulator according to the tutorial with all permissions
When I run monidroid the messages are displayed and the test is not executed:
my json:
Hi @licollins , thanks a lot for your interest in AimDroid. We are sorry that AimDroid is no longer maintained. Would you please try our latest testing tool Ape (http://gutianxiao.com/ape) instead?
Hello, I am try to run aimdroid on Ubuntu 18. I followed the steps to installation https://icsnju.github.io/AimDroid-ICSME-2017/install-AimDroid-on-an-emulator.html I also build the controller I am using the correct emulator according to the tutorial with all permissions When I run monidroid the messages are displayed and the test is not executed: my json:
{ "PackageName":"xyz.hisname.fireflyiii", "MainActivity":"xyz.hisname.fireflyiii.ui.onboarding.AuthActivity", "SDKPath":"/home/eliane/Android/Sdk/", "Epsilon":0.2, "Alpha":0.6, "Gamma":0.5, "MaxSeqLen":100, "MinSeqLen":20, "Time":3600 }
Could you please help me?