icykoneko / ff14-fish-tracker-app

FF14 Fish Tracker App
MIT License
61 stars 21 forks source link

partially resolves #22 #83

Closed Lodinn closed 3 years ago

Lodinn commented 3 years ago

Patched in intuitionLength key for int fishies; values come from old logs and general knowledge ;p Still missing some data - TODO: int durations for fish IDs 8752 Imperial Goldfish, 8754 Nepto Dragon, 8760 Cornelia, 8764 Pirate's Bane, 8769 Darkstar, and 17593 Raimdellopterus

The biggest offenders (steth and skittles) have been dealt with, at least.

icykoneko commented 3 years ago

I don't see changes to the YAML file? The data.js is auto-generated via manageFishData.py. Take a look at _convert_fish_to_json in there. That should be getting the YAML values in item, and you just pass them though to the returned dictionary and it's all good.

You could also update dump_new_fish_data.py in a similar way so it stays in-sync. Look at convert_fish_to_json function, and add entry to the json_entry dictionary towards the end, pulling the value out of db_entry.

Lodinn commented 3 years ago

Added lines to the builders but can't test the build itself unfortunately (had to do pysaintcoinach clone by hand cause recursive option on the main repo fails, also npm won't play nice). Because of it, there's no update to cache buster as per normal procedure.

icykoneko commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much!