id-python / pycon-2017

PyCon Indonesia 2017
16 stars 3 forks source link

Panitia PyCon Indonesia #2

Closed ariestiyansyah closed 7 years ago

ariestiyansyah commented 7 years ago

Roles untuk PyCon Indonesia 2017.

  1. Sponsorships (Creates the sponsorship packages, finds sponsors and be the go-between between us and the sponsors.)
  2. Talk program manager (decides what talks are received, goes where and when, controls Guidebook or whatever we use) (Edwin, Amry, Christoforus, Irsyad)
  3. Food manager (Snacks, Lunch and PyCon Dinner, coffee flow)
  4. Swag person (manages tshirts and stickers production, also other stuff our sponsors give us) (Ikhsan)
  5. Venue manager (Liaise with the venue and makes sure things are in place, we have stuff to use, banners, MCs, time keepers and also cleaning up) (Alan Nugrohadi)
  6. Ticketing manager (manages the ticketing platform, and attendees list) (Rezha, Adit)
  7. Sprints manager (Fixes sprints venue, leading developers and also schedule) (Fauzan)
  8. External liason, outreach (Handles communication with external parties, visa applications for attendees and makes sure our VIPs are treated well) (Vina)
  9. Media manager (Blog, twitter, FB, tie-up with local media, controls the website, live updates during conference) (Farah, Indra)
  10. Financial aid (Sets the text for announcement, points criteria for selection, selects and works with Finance for the funds) (IsmailSunni)
  11. Designer (Design the logos, tshirts, stickers and other stuff)(Ardo)
  12. Finance (Sets the budget and makes sure we have cash flow) (IsmailSunni)
  13. Co-chair (Helps everyone else) (Ikhsan)
  14. Chair (Helps everyone else) (Rizky, Ikhsan)

Silahkan berikan komentar untuk role yang kalian inginkan dengan format: nama: xxx surel:

Submission Deadline: 30 October 2016 Note: Dengan mendaftar menjadi panitia PyCon Anda berkomitmen untuk kontribusi sampai acara selesai, yeaaay!!!

ismailsunni commented 7 years ago

Nama: Ismail Sunni surel:

role: Financial aid atau Finance

rezhajulio commented 7 years ago

Nama: Rezha Julio surel: contact [at]

role: Ticketing

Keda87 commented 7 years ago

Ticketing. Nama : Adit Surel :

3mp3ri0r commented 7 years ago

Talk program manager Nama: Christoforus Surjoputro Surel:

Note: posisi di Surabaya, jadi pilih yang bisa remote saja. Hehehe.

amryamanah commented 7 years ago

Tolong saya di remove dari Sponsorship yah. Terimakasih

essanpupil commented 7 years ago

Nama: Ikhsan Noor Rosyidin Email: Tugas: Swag person (& pembantu umum)

ir210 commented 7 years ago

Nama: Irsyad Asyhari Lubis Email: Role: Talk program manager

femmerling commented 7 years ago

Nama: Fauzan Emmerling Email: Role: Sprints Manager

vinamelody commented 7 years ago

Nama: Vina Rianti Email: Role: English translation, flexible ...

Note: Posisi di Singapura, ada kenalan di PUSG / PyLadiesSG .. for video recording of conferences (example PyConSG 2016)

ariestiyansyah commented 7 years ago

Hi @vinamelody since you have good network and english skill, can you help handles communication with external parties, visa applications for attendees??

alanugrohadi commented 7 years ago

Nama: Alan Nugrohadi Surel: Role: Venue Manager

vinamelody commented 7 years ago

@ariestiyansyah yup i can handle that :)

fernandodaud commented 7 years ago

Nama : Fernando daud Email. : Role. : chair

layumi3 commented 7 years ago

Nama : Lilis Ayumsari Email : Role: External liason, outreach

nsiregar commented 7 years ago

Name : Ngalim Siregar Email : Role : Media Manager

ariestiyansyah commented 7 years ago