Computing material properties on the displaced mesh leads to a segfault when the material is evaluated on a boundary. Top of the stack trace is:
#0 0x00007ffff6cf8240 in std::__cxx1998::vector<libMesh::Point, std::allocator<libMesh::Point> >::end() const (this=0x20)
at /usr/include/c++/4.8.2/bits/stl_vector.h:566
#1 0x00007ffff6da7384 in std::__cxx1998::vector<libMesh::Point, std::allocator<libMesh::Point> >::empty() const (this=0x20)
at /usr/include/c++/4.8.2/bits/stl_vector.h:735
#2 0x00007ffff6da6d44 in libMesh::QBase::n_points() const (this=0x0)
at /home/messner/projects/moose/scripts/../libmesh/installed/include/libmesh/quadrature.h:129
#3 0x00007ffff409f6fe in Material::computeProperties() (this=0xa08128)
which seems to imply that it's a problem accessing the list of quadrature points, maybe in libmesh?
Steps to Reproduce
Compile tensor_mechanics
Run the following input
# Simple plane strain test
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 2
nx = 4
ny = 4
strain = FINITE
planar_formulation = PLANE_STRAIN
add_variables = true
generate_output = 'stress_xx stress_xy stress_yy stress_zz strain_xx strain_xy strain_yy strain_zz'
type = ParsedFunction
value ='100 * t'
type = PresetBC
boundary = right
variable = disp_x
value = 0.0
type = PresetBC
boundary = bottom
variable = disp_y
value = 0.0
type = FunctionNeumannBC
boundary = top
variable = disp_y
function = pull
type = ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress
type = ComputeIsotropicElasticityTensor
poissons_ratio = 0.33
youngs_modulus = 1000.0
type = GenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'dummy'
prop_values = '1'
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
solve_type = 'newton'
line_search = none
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
l_max_its = 3
l_tol = 1e-15
nl_max_its = 30
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-8
start_time = 0.0
dt = 1.0
dtmin = 1.0
end_time = 5.0
exodus = true
To work around either:
Remove use_displaced_mesh = true from the dummy material
Add if (_bnd) return; to Material::computeProperties(), which is how I know it has to do with evaluating on boundaries.
I can use the if (_bnd) return workaround in my app, but I'm a little worried about what that implies for evaluating boundary conditions.
Bug Description
Computing material properties on the displaced mesh leads to a segfault when the material is evaluated on a boundary. Top of the stack trace is:
which seems to imply that it's a problem accessing the list of quadrature points, maybe in libmesh?
Steps to Reproduce
To work around either:
if (_bnd) return;
to Material::computeProperties(), which is how I know it has to do with evaluating on boundaries.Impact
I can use the if (_bnd) return workaround in my app, but I'm a little worried about what that implies for evaluating boundary conditions.