idaholab / moose

Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Navier Stokes Compressible Flow HLLC with RZ #24753

Open snschune opened 1 year ago

snschune commented 1 year ago

Bug Description

Incorrect pressure at R=0 boundary when using Navier-Stokes compressible HLLC implementation.

Steps to Reproduce

length = '${units 2 ft -> m}'

D_wick_i = '${units 0.65 in -> m}'
R_wick_i = '${fparse D_wick_i/2}'
A_core = '${fparse 0.25 * pi * D_wick_i^2}'
# P_core = '${fparse pi * D_wick_i}'

# T_initial = '${units 540.8 degF -> K}'
# T_source = '${units 540.8 degF -> K}'
# p_source = '${units 38.9 psi -> Pa}'
# p_sink = '${units 24.5 psi -> Pa}'

# m_dot_source = -0.068039
# m_dot_sink = 0.068039
# vel = 135

#rho_in = 2.35
#H_in = 2504225
#gamma = 1.4
#R = 8.3145
#molar_mass = 29e-3
#R_specific = 1718
#cv = 4290
#cp = '${fparse cv * gamma}'

T_in = '${units 540.8 degF -> K}'
m_dot = 0.068039

#mass_flux = ${fparse inlet_vel * rho_in}
mass_flux = '${fparse m_dot / A_core}'

#outlet_pressure = 168921.6

  show_material_props = true

  coord_type = 'RZ'
  rz_coord_axis = 'X'
    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 2
    xmin = 0
    xmax = ${length}
    nx = 150
    ymin = 0
    ymax = ${R_wick_i}
    ny = 25
    bias_y = '${fparse 1 / 1.1}'
    type = RenameBlockGenerator
    input = 'tubo_2d'
    old_block = '0'
    new_block = 'evap'
    type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
    input = 'rename'
    block_id = '2'
    block_name = 'cond'
    bottom_left = '${fparse 0.5 * length} 0 0'
    top_right = '${length} ${R_wick_i} 0'
    type = BreakBoundaryOnSubdomainGenerator
    input = 'mesh_modified1'
    boundaries = 'top bottom'

    type = IdealGasFluidProperties
    gamma = 1.4
    molar_mass = 0.029
    allow_imperfect_jacobians = true
  fp = fp

    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    fv = true
    initial_condition = 2.35

    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    fv = true
    initial_condition = 1e-15
    outputs = none

    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    fv = true
    initial_condition = 317
    outputs = none

    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    fv = true
    initial_condition = 5616723


  # Mass conservation
    type = FVTimeKernel
    variable = rho

    type = CNSFVMassHLLC
    variable = rho
    fp = fp

  # Momentum x conservation
    type = FVTimeKernel
    variable = rho_u

    type = CNSFVMomentumHLLC
    variable = rho_u
    momentum_component = x
    fp = fp

  # Momentum y conservation
    type = FVTimeKernel
    variable = rho_v

    type = CNSFVMomentumHLLC
    variable = rho_v
    momentum_component = y

  # Fluid energy conservation
    type = FVTimeKernel
    variable = rho_E

    type = CNSFVFluidEnergyHLLC
    variable = rho_E
    fp = fp

    type = CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMassBC
    variable = rho
    boundary = 'top_to_evap'
    rhou = 0
    rhov = ${mass_flux}
    temperature = ${T_in}

    type = CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMomentumBC
    variable = rho_u
    boundary = 'top_to_evap'
    rhou = 0
    rhov = ${mass_flux}
    temperature = ${T_in}
    momentum_component = x
    type = CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMomentumBC
    variable = rho_v
    boundary = 'top_to_evap'
    rhou = 0
    rhov = ${mass_flux}
    temperature = ${T_in}
    momentum_component = y
    type = CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureFluidEnergyBC
    variable = rho_E
    boundary = 'top_to_evap'
    rhou = 0
    rhov = ${mass_flux}
    temperature = ${T_in}

  ## outflow implicit conditions
    type = CNSFVHLLCMassImplicitBC
    variable = rho
    fp = fp
    boundary = 'top_to_cond'

    type = CNSFVHLLCMomentumImplicitBC
    variable = rho_u
    momentum_component = x
    fp = fp
    boundary = 'top_to_cond'

    type = CNSFVHLLCMomentumImplicitBC
    variable = rho_v
    momentum_component = y
    fp = fp
    boundary = 'top_to_cond'

    type = CNSFVHLLCFluidEnergyImplicitBC
    variable = rho_E
    fp = fp
    boundary = 'top_to_cond'
  # wall conditions
    type = CNSFVMomImplicitPressureBC
    variable = rho_u
    momentum_component = x
    boundary = 'left right'

    type = CNSFVMomImplicitPressureBC
    variable = rho_v
    momentum_component = y
    boundary = 'left right'

    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT

    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT


    type = ADMaterialRealAux
    variable = p
    property = pressure

    type = ConservedVarValuesMaterial
    rho = rho
    rhou = rho_u
    rhov = rho_v
    rho_et = rho_E
    type = SoundspeedMat
    fp = fp

    type = ADCFLTimeStepSize
    c_names = 'sound_speed'
    vel_names = 'speed'
    CFL = 1.25
  # [should_be_one]
  #   type = ElementAverageValue
  #   block = 1
  #   variable = constantVar
  #   execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
  # []
    type = VolumePostprocessor
    block = 0
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = VolumePostprocessor
    block = 2
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'

    type = SMP
    full = true

  type = Transient
  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_mat_solver_type'
  petsc_options_value = 'lu       NONZERO                superlu_dist'
  end_time = 100

    type = ExplicitSSPRungeKutta
    order = 2
  l_tol = 1e-7

    type = PostprocessorDT
    postprocessor = cfl_dt

  exodus = true


how urgent is this? I would suggest to try KT instead of HLLC. ping @joshuahansel

snschune commented 1 year ago

reported by @cbdutra

joshuahansel commented 1 year ago

@snschune It's not urgent. @cbdutra can use the other formulations for now.