idan / gistio

A gist-backed pretty display for markdown.
MIT License
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Support GitHub Flavored Markdown's Triple Tick for code blocks. #48

Closed danott closed 10 years ago

danott commented 11 years ago

GitHub Flavored Markdown allows blocks of code to be marked up with a triple back tick opening and closing the block. currently does not appear to support this.

Example: GitHub Gist

lukeholder commented 11 years ago

+1 NEED.

FichteFoll commented 11 years ago

I think this is essential and I use the syntax-highlighted block code for many things. If I were to use I would probably miss this feature.

jdickey commented 11 years ago

I use Gists extensively (usually private Gists to teammates) to illustrate snippets of code that aren't "worth" pushing a "breadcrumb" to the repo. This problem is why I can't use for my main Gist use case.

gavinblair commented 11 years ago


danott commented 11 years ago

HTML Pipeline is what is used, if anyone wants to get started on a fork. I would, but don't have the time in the immediate future.

jdickey commented 11 years ago

@danott Link text correct, but the actual link leads somewhere else; here's a link to the repo.

danott commented 11 years ago

@jdickey yep, definitely did my markdown link backwards. Fixed now

azat-co commented 11 years ago

+1 code blocks are not rendered:

idan commented 10 years ago

Fixed in: 0252440950b633a298932fa4ba33480ecea3a9c7


FichteFoll commented 10 years ago

Oh, that was easier than I expected.

Edit: After testing with a language set it seems that is missing CSS definitions for the syntax highlighting. Would it be possible to include these?

Example: (inspect HTML)

danott commented 10 years ago

@idan :100: YEAH!