idanarye / vim-vebugger

Yes, we do need another debugger plugin
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Make movement action to new file configurable #82

Closed TamaMcGlinn closed 5 years ago

TamaMcGlinn commented 5 years ago

When the currently executed line jumps to a new file, the file is opened as a split, which annoys me; I'd rather just use :edit. Would it be possible to add a user setting that specifies how to open new files?

TamaMcGlinn commented 5 years ago

It seems to me that autoload/vebugger/std.vim line 206 should be configurable somehow, but I'm not so well versed in vimscript:

            exe get(g:, 'vebugger_view_source_cmd', 'new').' '.(a:readResult.std.location.file)

And now I've found :help vebugger-configuration, where it says I can set this with:

let g:vebugger_view_source_cmd='edit'

Sorry for the noise.