idea-fasoc / OpenFASOC

Fully Open Source FASOC generators built on top of open-source EDA tools
Apache License 2.0
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OpenFASOC should expose the main generator flow as an importable python modules #38

Open proppy opened 2 years ago

proppy commented 2 years ago

In order to be able to orchestrate generation from other python codebase (or jupyter notebooks) it would be nice if OpenFASOC exposed a python interface over the main generators flows that can be imported,

Note: seems to already exposes functions some lower level function that could be imported, but it seems that there is a fair amount of work also done from the outer scripts.

msaligane commented 2 years ago

Thanks @proppy This is really great! So let's say if a generator is updated, what would be the procedure to re-package it as a python module? is there an automated way?

proppy commented 2 years ago

for conda packages that could happen as part of (the project has a continuous integration environment that rebuild package from HEAD every night) or thru dedicated in this repo if we wanted to publish those package on PyPI too.

msaligane commented 2 years ago

@erictaur has been working on github actions and somehow got it to work. @erictaur any updates?

mithro commented 2 years ago

There is some work on trying to get GitHub Actions to upload to PyPi --

mithro commented 2 years ago

We could make this work now with (rather than my older

mithro commented 2 years ago

I believe these are deployed on

joamatab commented 2 years ago

See PR #43 for this

I can also add some jupyter notebooks for the documentation

msaligane commented 2 years ago

That would be great! let's schedule some time early this week. Thanks Joaquin!

saicharan0112 commented 1 year ago

@proppy suggested a good idea to expose each stage inside the generator as a python module which can end up something like this Eg:

from openfasoc import tempsense

Next steps could be interesting after we have something. @proppy do you want to add something to this?

msaligane commented 1 year ago

Sounds great to me!

saicharan0112 commented 1 year ago

Here is the idea:

  1. Convert the three verilog netlists (TEMP_ANALOG_hv.v, TEMP_ANALOG_lv.v and counter_generic.v present in folder ) into python modules to generate TEMP_ANALOG_hv_nl.v, TEMP_ANALOG_lv_nl.v and counter.v files.. I could just think of using print statements to build these files because of their size. Any suggestions?

  2. Convert, which generates the tempsense netlist using the function gen_temp_netlist(), into importable python module.

In the end, I think we would be having something like this from openfasoc import gen_temp_netlist. We could add other netlists in the future. For eg: from openfasoc import gen_ldo_netlist or from openfasoc import gen_pll_netlist.

Just having the netlist, I think we could represent the tempsense flow in notebook.

Looks simple, does simple thing. Do you people think that this is worth?

proppy commented 1 year ago

I could just think of using print statements to build these files because of their size. Any suggestions?

Curious if you're thinking of using an HDL for helping you maintain a structured view of the netlists, see: for some recommendations (, comes to mind or and as lower leve option).

If you prefer to manipulate raw text, I would recommend to look at the templating language like

saicharan0112 commented 1 year ago

Thanks.. Understood. I am not familiar with those projects who shared here though. I will take a look.