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Assessment details / Matrix results representation #104

Closed vedina closed 9 years ago

vedina commented 9 years ago

To be presented in more details (top - current, bottom - requested)


All the information is available in the dataset/ study JSON, find out how to generalize the presentation.

gonzomir commented 9 years ago

I hope I got it right, added the feature.creator field in front of the value. Changes are in matrix_rearrangements branch.

vedina commented 9 years ago

This is more complicated, the creator might be added only for some endpoints, not for all, also conditions could be displayed.

vedina commented 9 years ago

Use the configuration from /scripts/config-study.js (the same config used in jToxStudy )

Display only fields assigned "isInMatrix:true".

Given the study JSON the rule looks like (some items may be empty)

Given the dataset / feature representation

feature.title = value feature.units ( all instances of feature.annotation.o , feature.creator (can be shortened) )

The dataset/features JSON is generated from study JSON roughly as follows

Not all conditions should be visible - check the inMatrix field to decide if a field is visible.


LD50 > 5000 mg/kg bw (rat)
            "parameters": {
                "species": {
                    "iOrder": -7,
                    "inMatrix" : true
            "conditions": {
                "sex": {
                    "iOrder": -4
            "effects": {
                "endpoint": {
                    "iOrder": -6,
                    "inMatrix" : true
                "result": {
                    "sTitle": "Value",
                    "iOrder": -5,
                    "inMatrix" : true
            "protocol": {
                "guideline": {
                    "iOrder": -1
                "citation": {
                    "bVisible": true
            "interpretation": {
                "result": {
                    "iOrder": -3,
                    "sTitle": "Interpretation of the results"
                "criteria": {
                    "iOrder": -2


vedina commented 9 years ago

works nice!

Could you use the sTitle field to show condition names instead the field name?

            "conditions": {
                "atm. pressure": {
                    "sTitle": "Pressure",
                    "inMatrix": true