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configurable query for retrieving feature lists #81

Closed vedina closed 9 years ago

vedina commented 9 years ago

Proposal to provide an explicit query for retrieve the dataset columns, instead of guessing from the first record. Not all datasets are supposed to have all features in the first record; and for some datasets the list of ffeatures is well knowm (/dataset/id have all feature list in /dataset/id/feature). Also could be faster.

For example here the data is very sparse and the first record has value for only one feature. But we can provide a query to retrieve all features.

thejonan commented 9 years ago

I totally agree with this proposal. Just let me know when it is ready. If it returns the same structure, just without the dataEntry property it'll be great.

vedina commented 9 years ago

The feature list per dataset exists since the definition of OpenTox API . It does not return structure, just feature list.

    "feature": {
        "": {
            "type": "Feature",
            "title": "ALTNo1",
            "units": "",
            "isNominal": "false",
            "isNumeric": "false",
            "sameAs": "ALTNo1",
            "isModelPredictionFeature": false,
            "creator": "",
            "order": 1,
            "source": {
                "URI": "",
                "type": "Dataset"
            "annotation": []
        "": {
            "type": "Feature",
            "title": "INN name",
            "units": "",
            "isNominal": "false",
            "isNumeric": "false",
            "sameAs": "",
            "isModelPredictionFeature": false,
            "creator": "",
            "order": 2,
            "source": {
                "URI": "",
                "type": "Dataset"
            "annotation": []
        "": {
            "type": "Feature",
            "title": "ALTNo3",
            "units": "",
            "isNominal": "false",
            "isNumeric": "false",
            "sameAs": "ALTNo3",
            "isModelPredictionFeature": false,
            "creator": "",
            "order": 3,
            "source": {
                "URI": "",
                "type": "Dataset"
            "annotation": []

The proposal is to be able to specify " " optionally to jToxDataset component.

Documentation :

thejonan commented 9 years ago

Ok, I am sorry. What I understood (and what is really needed) is a feature like this:


So that, features for any dataset-like query could be retrieved - even if it is not just dataset retrieval query. Otherwise, adding additional option to jToxCompound for feature retrieval, instead of current (and automatic) page=0&size=1 query, is totally possible.

vedina commented 9 years ago

Let it be additional to the current and automatic (e.g. use the current approach if no option is specified).

If the option allows multiple URIs, will be great.

thejonan commented 9 years ago

What is the idea of multiple URIs - to retrieve feature lists from all of them and merge afterwards?

vedina commented 9 years ago

Yes, similar to what OpenTox API supports

thejonan commented 9 years ago

Ok, but multiple URIs will mean multiple queries in the beginning, just for the feature list, am I get it right?

vedina commented 9 years ago

Not necessary, it may be that one query returns multiple features , e.g. /dataset/1/feature returns multiple uri

thejonan commented 9 years ago

Ok, but this is one feature URI. And my question was regarding you idea of having multiple feature URIs provided. By "feature URI" I mean - "feature retrieving URI".

vedina commented 9 years ago

How to use the featureURI parameter - it doesn't seem to work as below

<div class="jtox-toolkit" data-kit="compound" 

nor as

<div class="jtox-toolkit" data-kit="compound" 
thejonan commented 9 years ago

Yes, it should be data-feature-uri, this is the convention for all data-XXX parameters - each dash is removed and next word - capitalized (after removing the initial data-, of course).

Refer here:

vedina commented 9 years ago
