idealeer / xmap

XMap is a fast network scanner designed for performing Internet-wide IPv6 & IPv4 network research scanning.
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DNS Probing Module #11

Open idealeer opened 2 years ago

idealeer commented 2 years ago


Type xmap -4 -h -M dnsx -O json to show the help information.

This module sends out DNS queries and parses basic responses. By default, the module performs an A record lookup for You can specify other queries using the --probe-args argument in the form: label_type:input_src:type,query;type,query, e.g., raw:text:A,;NS, The module supports sending the the following types of queries: A, NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR, MX, TXT, AAAA, RRSIG, ANY, SIG, SRV, DS, DNSKEY, TLSA, SVCB, HTTPS, CAA, and HTTPSSVC. The module will accept and attempt to parse all DNS responses. There is currently support for parsing out full data from A, NS, CNAME, MX, TXT, and AAAA. Query format: label_type:recurse:input_src:type,query;type,query Any other types will be output in raw form.  label_type: raw, str, time, random, dst-ip   raw: do nothing to the query domain, e.g.,   str: add the 'str' subdomain www, e.g.,   time: add the s+μs subdomain, e.g.,   random: add random subdomain lefzwnrq, e.g.,   dst-ip: add probe num + src ip, e.g., 1.1-2-3-4.qq.comrecurse: recurse, no-recurse   recurse: recursive query   no-recurse: non-recursive query  input_src: text, file   text: like A,;AAAA,   file: each line is like a text  type: A, NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR, MX, TXT, AAAA, RRSIG, ANY, SIG,   SRV, DS, DNSKEY, TLSA, SVCB, HTTPS, CAA, and HTTPSSVCquery: A,;AAAA, Examples:  --probe-args="raw/time/random:recurse/no-recurse:text:type,query"  --probe-args="raw/time/random:recurse/no-recurse:file:file_name"  --probe-args="str:SomeText:recurse/no-recurse:text:type,query"  --probe-args="str:SomeText:recurse/no-recurse:file:file_name"  --probe-args="dst-ip:recurse/no-recurse:text:type,query"  --probe-args="dst-ip:recurse/no-recurse:file:file_name"

Usage Examples

  1. Query A targeting

    xmap -4 -x 32 -p 53 -M dnsx -O json --output-fields="*" --output-filter="success = 1 || success = 0" -P 1 --probe-args="raw:recurse:text:A," -R 1000 -o result.txt

  2. Query A and NS targeting

    xmap -4 -x 32 -p 53 -M dnsx -O json --output-fields="*" --output-filter="success = 1 || success = 0" -P 2 --probe-args="raw:recurse:text:A,;NS," -R 1000 -o result.txt

  3. Query each domain from a domain.txt targeting all IPs from a ip.txt:

    xmap -4 -x 32 -p 53 -M dnsx -O json --output-fields="*" --output-filter="success = 1 || success = 0" -P domain_number --probe-args="raw:recurse:file:domain.txt" -R 1000 -o result.txt -I ip.txt

Note: Each line in domain.txt is in the form like A, and -P domain_number = the number of domains.

zhangbufan commented 10 months ago



idealeer commented 9 months ago


nerotix commented 2 months ago

@idealeer are these also the commands we can use to identify vulnerable DNS resolvers/auths? if not, can you show some examples of these commands?

idealeer commented 2 months ago

before scanning, what types of vulnerable resolvers do you want to find?