ideas-lab-nus / epwshiftr

Create future EnergyPlus Weather files using CMIP6 data
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Consider Southern Hemisphere latitudes #58

Open germolinal opened 1 year ago

germolinal commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for this tool, it is quite cool.

I have been testing this tool on some southern-hemisphere climates, and it seems to be that, by default, the weather generated starts in Winter (i.e., Northern Hemisphere, where 1st of Jan is winter). I way this because, when plotting the dry bulb temperatures, I get the following:

Screenshot 2022-09-05 at 5 18 32 PM

Whereas, when I reorganize as follows:

tic = 142*24 # June 21
tac = 266*24 # Sept 23
late_summer = list(range(0,tic))
winter = list(range(tic,tac))
early_summer = list(range(tac,8760))
nhemisphere_temp =['dry_bulb_temperature']
late_summer_data = list(nhemisphere_temp[late_summer])
winter_data = list(nhemisphere_temp[winter])
early_summer_data = list(nhemisphere_temp[early_summer])
transformed = early_summer_data + late_summer_data + winter_data['dry_bulb_temperature'] = transformed

Then I get the following:

Screenshot 2022-09-05 at 5 19 51 PM

Is this a bug? Is there an option for this? Can it be triggered based on the latitude of the EPW?
